Port Navas Yacht Club is a friendly members club that welcomes visitors.
Founded in 1958, the Club is part of the picturesque village of Port Navas, set on the beautiful Helford River. From the Club you have access onto The Helford river and out into Falmouth Bay. Or you can go inland down the river to Gweek passing ancient oak forests on the way – but make sure you get the tides right.
We have 34 Pontoon berths, 12 Trot moorings, 7 Swing moorings, 27 beach moorings and racks for small dinghies. For more information on moorings, including prices, see MOORINGS section. Parking is, we are afraid, limited. Where possible, or when the car park is full, please could you park in the village and walk along the charming river front – it’s a three minute walk and good for you!
Visiting boats can use the pontoon, the shower and loos – see VISITORS section. All boat owners are members and we have a very loyal section of Social Members who, at £25 a year, help us to run the Club – see MEMBERS section.
PNYC is managed by Tom and Antonia (Ant) Ellemann.
PNYC is proud to be Patron of Clean Ocean Sailing.
The next pop-up Sunday roast lunch will be on Mothering Sunday, March 30th. Please make your reservation by emailing us at book@pnyc.co.uk
Ant, Martha, Nancy, Finn and I hope that you all have a wonderful Christmas and here’s to 2025 on The Helford.
Melissa and Sarah hosted a wonderful mulled wine and community carol singing event.
Apologies that Ant and I were not there as we were involved in complicated present deliveries in Winchester and child collection duties (Martha) at Heathrow.
I will be sending out mooring forms for Summer 2025 in the next week or so. Your mooring is automatically yours again for Summer 2025. If you had a mooring and know that you DON’T want it next year, please could you let me know as we have a waiting list. We have decided not to increase the mooring fees for 2025 with the sole exception of beach moorings for boats over 10ft. These are going up to £32 a foot to keep them more in line with trot moorings.
The membership remains the same for 2025. Apologies again for last year’s poor management of memberships. I will be sorting out memberships for 2025 within the next two weeks. Members living in Cornwall will get a confirmation email from us and can then collect their 2025 cards from Melissa at the club. We will post cards to members living over The Tamar.We so value all our Social Members who each make a contribution of £25 to the club even though they don’t have a boat. All the membership contributions go towards maintaining and improving the club.To become a member please go to https://pnyc.co.uk/members/ and follow the instructions.
The campaign to rival the Christmas lights of Mousehole has taken a step forward this year thanks to Roger, Iain and Anna. Their boats are fabulously lit. Unfortunately Faith is not on her mooring at the moment so we couldn’t add lights to her. Instead we have provided a rather gaudy (Melissa’s word) deer. We will improve things for next year.