We have been approached by a relatively new member, Rob Templeton, to stage a fun sailing race at PNYC and we would love to do it if there is enough interest. The idea would be a handicapped race to Black Rock and back from a start line just off Durgan (tbc) on Saturday 2nd October with a start time of 1pm. Afterwards we would offer a team dinner and drinks at the Club along with prize giving. If you would like to take part – either on your boat or as a possible crew for another boat or to help run the race (or you would just like to come to the dinner and prize giving) – then please drop me a line at admin@pnyc.co.uk . If there is enough interest we’ll come back to you with more details. It would be so great to stage a PNYC race and we are indebted to Rob for offering his services. We miss Peter Goad’s enthusiasm and skill but I am sure that he would encourage all those that can to take part from his home in NZ.