‘Allo ‘Allo!
It seems we have been sabotaged at the club. The ansaphone system has been creaking, but our very own René Artois, no relation to Stella, has saved the day and he, Nigel, assures me it is now working properly again. So please accept our apologies should you have been trying to get through to us.
We are now operating our normal winter schedule of being open from 6pm on Thursday, Friday and Saturday evenings. Plenty of space this weekend, so if you missed out last week, now is your chance!
I have begun to tweak the winter menu with a couple of new dishes this week and we are experimenting with some new sweets tomorrow so watch out for changes there!
Nigel and I have put our thinking caps on and looked at the calendar to squeeze in a few events over the coming weeks: see details on this page.
Hope to catch up with you all soon too.