Bar & Restaurant Update
Can’t quite believe it has been two months since we opened – and we are approaching the start of the summer season and all it brings! Now open four evenings (Thursday to Sunday), we are offering a bar menu from 4 pm each day and the full menu from 6 pm. Kitchen closes at 9 pm so don’t hesitate to call last minute for a table if you don’t feel like cooking! Sarah has been preparing a new menu each week – and melon, nectarines, tomatoes, basil, burrata, prawns and sashimi are featuring heavily. A particularly more-ish rosé cava has been the winner by the glass. And beers from all over the world (and some brewed right here in Ponsanooth) are being enjoyed in the golden sunlight. Bookings can be made either via email (book@pnyc.co.uk) or call us on 01326 340065. Or just pop in – outside tables are available for walkins, and perfect for a late afternoon drink and nibble. Kayak, drive or walk over – we look forward to seeing you soon!
Melissa, Sarah and the team.