05 Oct


The new roof has been on for a few months now and only lacks a gutter. Just trying to sort out cheaper transport for this as the price quoted is £300 for a £600 gutter which seems a bit pricey. 

The new outside space has taken rather longer than expected but it is really taking shape. It will definitely be ready for next year (!) and I am hoping that it will be finished by this October, just in time for some autumnal showers.  We need to resurface the floor, sort out the steps and add bar stools. Johnny Vyvyan is seen here just testing a pint on what will be the bar. It held!

We have also had to dig up a bit of the carpark to put in a vent on our waste treatment plant due to some unpleasant smells emerging up the line in The Old Kiln. It should have been fitted with a vent in the first place but the guy who fitted it was one of worst people I have ever had to deal with.