All the moorings are ready for use and have been since 1st April. However, on the pontoon there are a couple of boats that are on the wrong berths because owners have not been able to move them from Winter moorings out onto their moorings on The Helford. When you want to get your boat onto its place on the pontoon can you let me know in advance and I will make sure that your berth is free. If you arrive and a boat is in your berth, can you moor up in an empty space, let me know and I will immediately move boats so that you are on your rightful berth.
The beach moorings are all laid out and ready for use, as are the trot and swing moorings. I have had a sudden flurry of interest from new boat owners looking for a mooring so if you have not returned a mooring application form and paid, please let me know what you would like to do for the rest of the season.
I removed a number of beach running lines over the winter so I will hang these at the appropriate points one the beach wall. Please can I ask that all beach moorings use sinking running lines, ensure that the line runs from bow to stern (and not off to one side) and that owners put buckets over their propellers when left.