We had a cracking days racing last Saturday. 10 boats in 3 classes with stunning weather, choppy seas and a good breeze. It was a race around The Manacles and back, some 10 nautical miles. Two out of three of our own boats were working so Finn and I were the committee boat, equipped with a working radio for once, and Iain McLaren and Ant were out on a rib as safely boat. A huge thanks to Iain for his time and help and enthusiasm. It was fabulous to see a line of PNYC boats racing in the beautiful light.

The Sprat Class was won by Don and Pauline Garman in Mary Ritchie with Aquila, Cicada and Susan J.
The Pilchard Class was won by Ian Tolchard and Michael Gardiner in Emmet withYemanja, Mormendill and Carrie Maid.
The Mackerel Class was won by Roger McDonald and Anna McLaren in Mirri withLindy.
The overall winner after handicaps was Roger McDonald and Anna McLaren in Mirri.
The race was followed up by a tasty curry and drinks in the club courtesy of Nigel and Mike and a quiz.
Thanks so much to all those that took part, on the water and at the club. And huge thanks to our fab PNYC Race Captain, Rob Templeton, for helping to get the race set up and for working his magic with the handicap system. It must only be a matter of time before the mighty Cicada (19ft yellow hull above) wins on handicap!