15 Oct


The Committee is looking for some new volunteers to help organise next year’s regatta which in on Saturday 1st August 2020.  This fabulous event, which is over 100 years old, relies on people from the community helping.  As well as creating a fantastic day out, it also raises money for a number of charities ranging from Falmouth RNLI and The Cornish Air Ambulance, to some smaller local charities such as The Constatnine Silver Band, HRCST and WILD (Young Parents Project).  Broadly speaking the regatta activities break down into waterside races; the games; and catering (ie cakes, tea, coffee and the bbq).  There is also getting the site ready and clearing up afterwards.  All of these require organising by the committee and help from volunteers.  As well as more volunteers in general, we are looking for a new chairman, a new secretary and someone to run the cake and tea stall.  The intention is to hold an open meeting in The Village Hall at 6pm on Monday 27th January where interested people could gather to hear more about what is needed to keep this great event going.  If you are interested then please let me know at admin@pnyc.co.uk

The picture above is of the 1921 Regatta Committee as opposed to the current 2019 Committee.  Just in case you were wondering….