New members are welcomed and Social Membership is only £25 per year..
You can download an application form here:
Reservations: or leave a message on 01326 340065
Open: 5-9pm Drinks Only
Local volunteers behind the bar while Melissa and Sarah are taking a well earned break.
The restaurant will reopen on Thursday 6th March at 4 pm.
The Spring opening times will be Thursday to Saturday from 4 pm for drinks and nibbles. The dinner menu kicks off at 6 pm. We look forward to seeing you all then! Melissa and Sarah
Reservations: or leave a message on 01326 340065
We had a full turn-out for our last PNYC Quiz Night raising money for the PN Regatta. Sarah served up fab pizzas. Fran Ford’s Team, including Ant and Nancy, embarrassingly won the quiz. Embarrassing because half the winning team were related to the question master – ie me!
The club hosted the first ever Black Tie (mostly) Trengilly Bridge Club Christmas Dinner just before Christmas. Lots of festive drinks were downed followed by some very vocal – slightly cheaty – bridge. Thanks from all of us to Sarah and Melissa for hosting us. The perfect venue for any club, office or private do!
Ant and I would like to thank Sarah and Melissa for running, and loving, the PNYC Bar & Restaurant. It is fabulous having them and we hope that you will all continue to support them at the start of 2025 and into the Summer.
Tom and Ant.