You’ll all be delighted, and perhaps a little surprised given the current weather, to know that Summer starts at PNYC this Saturday, 1st April. So all the Winter moorings need to be vacated by Friday 31st March. This does seem to have come as a surprise to a couple of mariners but it was ever thus. If you are not staying with us for the Summer, please can I ask that you move your boats off to their summer moorings by the weekend. If for any reason this is NOT possible, please can you let me know so we can discuss. Late leavers will be charged if they don’t let me know in advance!

There will be the inevitable hiatus for a week while boats are moved both off and on to the moorings. If you are trying to get your boat onto your Summer Mooring and there is another boat in the way, do let me know asap and we will sort it out. We will always have spots on the pontoon to house boats while we get everything sorted out so you will not miss a single day!
The Winter boats on the beach will be moved off by Thursday/Friday at the latest (two have already gone – see photo above) and I will get the beach laid out on Saturday.
It has been the worst early Spring for getting work done on your boat since I can remember. We don’t seem to have had those sunny, dry days that we have had in the past. If you want to use the slip to jet wash and anti-foul your boat you are welcome – just email me and we can fix a date. We have a jet-wash at the club which can be rented out at £10 a day.
If you had a Winter Mooring and would like me to reserve the same space for next year, then just let me know (if you haven’t already) and I will pencil it in for you and be in touch early September, at which point you can confirm that you do/don’t want it.