The membership remains the same for 2025.  Apologies again for last year’s poor management of memberships.  I will be sorting out memberships for 2025 within the next two weeks.  Members living in Cornwall will get a confirmation email from us and can then collect their 2025 cards from Melissa at the club. We will post cards to members living over The Tamar.We so value all our Social Members who each make a contribution of £25 to the club even though they don’t have a boat. All the membership contributions go towards maintaining and improving the club.To become a member please go to and follow the instructions. 

I have been really poor about sorting out the Membership Cards and doing more regular newsletters.  I am afraid that we got some unfortunate family news in March and the thing that has “given” are these two tasks. My sincere apologies. We value every Member and their contribution to the club and its ongoing upkeep and improvement.  I asked for some help with managing this in a previous newsletter and very kindly Cath Gradwell has volunteered to help.  Hopefully this will make for smoother running of the membership. I have a stack of undelivered membership cards on my desk for which I am truly sorry. Tom

The Summer Season, such as it has been, is almost ending – 31st October.  

We have spaces for this Winter on the beach or on a trot (£22.75 a foot) and on the pontoon (£36.75 per foot with no minimum size limit).  Just contact Tom.

Please can those NOT staying for the Winter, make sure that their boats are off to their Winter berths before or by Thursday 31st October. Boats that aren’t moved will be charged a weekly charge.

 If you already know that you want the same Summer Mooring for 2025 then I would be most grateful if you could let us know now.  Equally, if you know you DON’T WANT your mooring next Summer that would be good to know as we have a waiting list.  

Prices for Moorings and Membership will remain the same next year except for Beach Moorings for boats over 10ft. These will increase to £32 per foot to make them more in-line with trot and swing moorings. 

Anyone have a second hand Anarth dinghy that they might want to sell?  A member is looking to buy one.
Anyone have a reasonably priced Plymouth Pilot for sale? 

A member is looking for a very small inflatable tender that she can carry on her own – so about 4ft.

A big thank you to all the kind members who have already signed up using GoCardless. If you want to become a member for 2024, could we ask that you do so via GoCardless. Each year you will be told of the annual payment and you can cancel at any point:

You can also pay online at:
PNYC Ltd, Lloyds Bank, Sort 30-80-48, Account No. 51425568
Please let me know if you have paid online so that I can confirm your membership and send out a membership card.

We have relunctantly taken the decision to increase mooring fees in line with inflation.  So fees will be going up by some 5%. We are sorry that we have had to do this but last year we were hit by a huge increase in utility costs, rising inflation and having to pay VAT on all mooring and membership fees, reducing the take by 20% (although we were able to claim back some of the VAT on expenses paid by the club).

We will be sending out mooring forms this month for next Summer.  Again, if you know you DON’T want your mooring for next Summer, do let me know (if you haven’t already) as we have waiting lists for all types of moorings.  

Will remain £25 per adult for the year.  We are so grateful to all our members – boat members and social members alike.  100% of the membership fees goes back into the club to allow us to maintain and improve it.  We value every kind contribution. And this year we sport new kitchen equipment, a new roof and a new outside covered terrace, made possible in part by you, our kind members.  

I put my hands up to say that I was very poor at getting many membership cards out on time this year. We took the decision not to post them (due to the cost) and decided to leave them behind the bar for collection. We have been left with some 30-40 un-collected cards.  Next year we will leave cards for Cornish based members behind the bar (emailing them to tell them they are there as per this year) and will post cards to everyone living across the border 

The best way to join is through GoCardless. Click onto right link below (based on the number of memberships you want) and they will send you a set-up email asking you to confirm that you have set up an account. Then every January you will get an email asking you to approve or opt out of the annual membership fee.  I then get a confirmation of your automatic payment and can send out cards. Here are the links to do this with GoCardless.  

If you have already done this, YOU DO NOTHING NOW UNTIL YOU GET AN EMAIL IN JANUARY asking you to accept a renewal of membership for 2024..  

The Children’s Trust have two Dorys for sale – dry viewing available weekdays and delivery options available.  These boats have been regularly serviced and cared for.  Please contact Children’s Sailing Trust on 01326 702326 or   

2 berth accommodation, sheltered cuddy
Thorneycroft 10hp diesel inboard 2 years old
Large solar panel and regulator
Lowrance Hook Reveal 7 Fishfinder/Plotter
All in good, well sorted condition.

Also Knot Trailer KF20Z – see in left picture below.  New 2020 and done less than 100 road miles. Available with the Plymouth Pilot or separately as a trailer for £1,500.  

Just another reminder that the Summer Season ends on Tuesday 31st October.  All boats not staying with us for the Winter should be gone by then – any problems email .  And may I ask that anyone who already knows that they DO WANT or DO NOT WANT the same Summer Mooring next week let me know by email as this does help with managing the waiting lists. 

Lovely Saltram 18ft Motor Cruiser. 26 HP inboard diesel engine, extensively rebuilt 4 years ago and well 
maintained. Small cabin with two berths. All new seals, alternator, new water pump, fuel pump and fuel tank. Injectors and injector pump factory re-furbished.  Includes anchor, fenders, mooring ropes, stern boarding ladder and auxiliary engine mount. Fantastic family boat for The Helford.  £6,500 or VNO.  At PNYC.  Email

Aquila, 26ft Westerly Griffin Mk 11.  Built in 1982 with a bilge keel so perfect for taking to the mud/shingle at low tide. The original Buch 20 engine. Owned and enjoyed as a great family boat for the last 13 years. On her mooring just opposite The Clubhouse at PNYC.  £8,000 ONO. Mooring may be available for new owner. Viewings welcome.  Please contact   

Immaculate Rowing Punt: Sedgemoor SB330 Prestigue, 11ft 6″. Handbuilt GRP simulated clinker hull, Iroko hardwood seats and trim, two sets of rowing thwarts, seats for four, 2 sets of ours and new launching trolley included.  Bought as brand new for £3,252 in 2021 and used just a handful of times. Stored in garage and in immaculate condition. Yours for an amazing £2,500!  Can be collected from PNYC.

Melissa and Sarah had their first evening serving food and wine yesterday. We were blessed with beautiful sunshine and a lovely turn out. Despite not having a working oven – see below – a range of fabulous small dishes were produced, along with an increased wine selection, and we all had a great evening.  The bar and restaurant will be open from 4pm every ThursdayFriday and Saturday going forwards.  And once the oven is fixed, for Sunday lunches from 12-6pm and then will open more days as we move into the Summer.

Please book your table by emailing

These are ready for you all. The beach has been laid out, the pontoon is ready for all your boats, the trot and swing moorings have all been serviced. If anyone wants to use the slip and our jet-wash (£10 for a session) to clean their bottoms, just let me know 

 You can also anti-foul on the slip. Please note that the club tender is now in a new position on the OUTSIDE of the landing pontoon – there is a sign on the pontoon.  

Member looking to buy a 10ft (possibly up to 12ft) tender.  Member looking for a good, 4-6 hp long shaft, 4 stroke outboard.  

With new tenants now in place, we are inviting all of our marvellous Social Members to renew their membership which remains at £25 per adult. We have set up a new standing order system via GoCardless and thank you to all those that have already signed up. This will allow you to set up a standing order and it will give you notice of the payment and time to cancel it, if you wish, each year. But once set up, it should all be automatic.  

There have been a few teething problems and we apologise to all those caught up in that. We have now added an SSL (whatever that is) to our website which will stop the warning messages that some early adopters have had. And I would like to let you know that when you set it up, it can take a few hours before you get an email from GoCardless confirming that you have set it up. Don’t be tempted to try again straight away as a couple of people have set it up twice (although it is easy to cancel as well).  So:

For ONE Social Membership go here:

For TWO Social Memberhhips go here:

For THREE Social Memberships go here:

For FOUR Social Memberships go here:

You can also do it the old fashioned way and download a form on the Home Page of our website under Membership Application 2023:

It is with HUGE delight that we can announce that Sarah Conway and Melissa Morrow will be taking over the lease of the bar and restaurant from Thursday 20th April. Sarah (chef) and Melissa (front of house) have some 35+ years experience in hospitality between them. They worked together in New Zealand for some 12 years before returning home to the UK and settling in Falmouth. For the last couple of years they have worked at places like The Meudon Hotel, The Muddy Beach Cafe in Penryn and Kernowine in Falmouth. This will be the first time they have owned the tenancy of a bar and restaurant and we are sure that you will give them every support! They live in Falmouth.

Initially they will be open:
Every Thursday evening for a fixed menu 
Every Friday and Saturday evening for a full menu
Every Sunday for Sunday Roast – two sittings – from 12 noon to 6pm.  (We have already booked a table for Sunday 23rd April )
And in the very busy Summer months – July and August – they will open 6 days a week.  

You will be able to book tables using a new email address – 

So, another summer season on the glorious Helford is coming to an end. If you’re moving your boat off for the Winter, please can you do so by Monday 31st October. If you don’t think you’ll be able to do that for any reason, please do let me know in advance and we can see what we can do.  Otherwise boats will be charged for overstaying their welcome!   

We have more boats wintering on the beach than ever before so I will have to make sure that the beach is pretty much cleared by 31st October at the latest. This might mean me moving boats onto the trots or the pontoon the week before when spaces become available – ie from 22nd/23rd October. I hope this is ok with those on the beach and I will of course let you know in advance if moving you is necessary.  But we guarantee that you will be on a mooring until 31st October if you want to be!  

If you want a Winter Mooring at PNYC please let me know asap as we are filling up. 

I am afraid that we have been faced with a massive increase in electricity costs. From 17th November 2022 our electricity bill has gone up 655% !!!!  And that includes a 10% loyalty discount. Obviously the Government scheme has reduced that by about half but we have yet to hear from our suppliers about the standing costs and it is literally impossible to contact anyone at their call centre. So after Government aid, about a 340% rise in electricity costs. And gas for cooking has also massively increased. 

This has sadly impacted on Brendon and Sarah’s plans to run the bar and restaurant. With a huge increase in electricity and gas, and in the face of rising costs across the board, Brendon and Sarah have pulled out of opening the bar and restaurant in January. We totally understand this decision. We know that the current climate is affecting a lot of the hospitality industry across the board and opening up a new venture in this environment is extremely challenging. We are looking at ways of reducing our electricity bills such as installing solar panels, reducing the usage of power (such as running the waste treatment plant 3 hours on and 3 hours off instead of 24/7) and investing in some more efficient machinery.   

We will continue to talk to Brendon and Sarah but at the moment the bar and restaurant faces an uncertain future next year. We will keep you posted.  

While the Winter fees for 2022 remain unchanged, we are going to increase our mooring fees for Summer 2023 and onwards:

  • For the pontoon from £59 per foot or part thereof to £63.
  • For the trots from £36 per foot or part thereof to £38.50
  • For the beach for 10ft and under £250 to £300 for the Summer.
  • For the beach from 11ft to 16ft from £25 to £28 per or part thereof for the Summer.
  • For inflatables (not with moorings) from £250 to £300 for the Summer.   

This equates to a 7% increase for the pontoons and trots. The increase for beach moorings is greater but we are planning to lose two more spaces on the beach to give you all more room as people leave. The increase for 10ft and under and for inflatables is £50 but it still represents good value for a seven month season. Kayaks remain unchanged. 
With this in mind, if you know now that you want the same mooring again next summer (or if you don’t want it) it would be fabulous to know asap as we have waiting lists for all types of moorings. I won’t send forms out until next January and payment for the Summer will be due not later than 1st March 2023 – although earlier payment is much appreciated!

We had a cracking days racing last Saturday. 10 boats in 3 classes with stunning weather, choppy seas and a good breeze. It was a race around The Manacles and back, some 10 nautical miles. Two out of three of our own boats were working so Finn and I were the committee boat, equipped with a working radio for once, and Iain McLaren and Ant were out on a rib as safely boat.  A huge thanks to Iain for his time and help and enthusiasm. It was fabulous to see a line of PNYC boats racing in the beautiful light. 

The Sprat Class was won by Don and Pauline Garman in Mary Ritchie with Aquila, Cicada and Susan J.
The Pilchard Class was won by Ian Tolchard and Michael Gardiner in Emmet withYemanja, Mormendill and Carrie Maid.
The Mackerel Class was won by Roger McDonald and Anna McLaren in Mirri withLindy
The overall winner after handicaps was Roger McDonald and Anna McLaren in Mirri. 
The race was followed up by a tasty curry and drinks in the club courtesy of Nigel and Mike and a quiz.

Thanks so much to all those that took part, on the water and at the club. And huge thanks to our fab PNYC Race Captain, Rob Templeton, for helping to get the race set up and for working his magic with the handicap system. It must only be a matter of time before the mighty Cicada (19ft yellow hull above) wins on handicap!

If anyone is looking for a tender – inflatable or hard hull – then let me know as a number of people responded to the request by a member who was looking to buy a tender in the last newsletter.

Beautiful 16ft Clovelly Picarooner with loose fitted lug rig.  Great day boat for up to 6 people.
A fine example of a Clovelly Picarooner, Otter was built by Martin Heard of Tregatreath Yacht Yard, Mylor in 1994.  She was completely rebuilt by boatbuilder Reece Jacobs in 2021. Includes new 2021 cover, trailer, oars, small inflatable tender and outboard. You can also retain the PNYC mooring should you wish. £5,500 ONO. For more details contact Tom at   

We are a bit down on previous years, partly because I think the Covid lock-down had an effect from which we haven’t quite recovered. It may also be partly my fault for not pursuing members! And while on the Admin Front, if you have paid and have not had your membership cards, please do let me know.  There are a number of membership cards awaiting collection behind the bar.  

Member looking for 10ft tender.

The new Summer Season has arrived. Along with occasional flurries of snow and sleet!  

Many thanks to the Winter beach yachts who have all returned to their Summer moorings. Lovely to have you over the Winter.  The beach is now empty and I have put out orange line to mark out the running lines.  Please use SINKING line (which makes it easier for others to get in and out) and please remember to put a bucket over any outboard to protect it and other boats.  

With regards to the pontoon, it might take a little longer to get everyone into their correct place as we still have a couple of Winter boats with us. But there is space for everyone who wants to get on now – just let me know you are coming and we will sort out a place, even if it is not your full time Summer mooring. Should be all sorted by the end of this week.  

We are waiting for Seawide Services to service all the swing moorings. I have serviced the trot moorings.  Please remember that there are lines between all the navy blue trot moorings with yellow pick up buoys, so try not to cross them or you will get caught up. There is no line over the channel just to the stern of Mivvy, the lovely black Mk1 Crabber.  New navy blue trot buoys are on order to replace the motley collection of 4-5 mixed buoys that we had to use last year – it was impossible to get new ones last year due to Covid and supply issues.  

Mivvy looking splendid.  

Early commendations to Kurt and Lucy’s Mivvy and Reece and Emma’s Otter for their immaculate condition! And a mention for Dan’s Faith too. Our two boats, needless to say, are not working at present.

We had a lovely afternoon and early evening watching Ireland vs Scotland and then France vs England on the final day of The 6 Nations. It started very badly when my laptop was not allowed to share the screen on our big TV thanks to a new bit of ITV software (when previously it worked perfectly). There was almost a riot but huge thanks to Emma White who rustled up an old laptop which then plugged straight into the TV and away we went, 20 minutes into Scotland vs Ireland.  Food followed the first game and then unfortunatley we had to watch the better team, France, beat England. But it was great fun to share the pain with others.

Red Hot – Seawolf 26ft. Built 1983. Bilge Keel, Bermudan Rig, 8HP Yamaha IGM Diesel, 4 berths in two cabins. More details on application. £8,000 ONO.  Contact

We have a member looking for a 5-6 hp outboard to be used as an auxiliary engine for a Plymouth Pilot.  

We have put up some new lighting in the car park – just in time for the Summer!  But hopefully it will help in those dark Winter months. We have also almost finished painting the corrugated shed.  Drekly this month we will start building the new outside “bar” space running along the side of the restaurant. We will have to block off access to that area during the works for health and safety reasons – don’t want anyone falling onto the pontoon below.  This should provide a lovely, covered area with 15-18 bar stools looking out over the creek and with full sun for most of the day. 

We are offering PNYC polo shirts for men and ladies in a large range of colours (£31 + postage) and thick weave sweatshirts (£35 + postage); and finally a baseball cap with embroidered logo (£25 + postage).  See members page for more information. Or email 

We have finished painting the dining room.  Hopefully it’s a bit fresher than it was. What the painting has done is make the swirly carpet stand out even more!  The carpet is going and will be replaced with a wooden floor – probably in the New Year.  We are also adding a little more lighting to the dining area so that you can see better who you’re sitting with. That obviously has some pros and cons.  FYI – the lights will be fitted with a dimmer switch so you’ll be able to ask for the lights to be turned down if you wish to eat in obscurity. 

The Children’s Sailing Trust has 5 Regatta rowing dinghies.  These are used by the trust for younger kids when the wind is too strong for their modern sailing dinghies. They are also used by Port Navas and Durgan Regattas each year and are a great help in providing a standard rowing boat that can be used by anyone wanting to take part in a race. 

They need a bit of TLC.  There are some wooden parts that need to be replaced or repaired; the old varnish needs to be removed and repainted; they need to be anitfouled and painted inside; some of the oars need attention; and we would like to rig up a system for the Regattas to take an old Oppie rudder so that the kids can use these rudders rather than an oar.  

We are looking for some volunteers. The aim is to do the work in the late Spring but we would love to get an idea of who might be able to spare a day or two. One option is to work on the boats at Henry Collins’ Farm at Calamansac where the Trust have a shed and access to power. However, if someone wanted to work on one boat themselves this could be an option.  

One final “ask” is whether anyone has any inside storage for the 5 boats for the Winter – November to May each year from next year. When stacked side by side they take up a space of a large trailer.  

A collective thanks to everyone for a pretty smooth transition from Summer to Winter.  And congrats to Andy Bennett for his beautiful beach mooring set-up…a hand made cradle…

…and the commitment to dive around the boat to check everything was good. He is available for hire I believe!

Thanks to our membership fees, we have been able to re-cover the seats and stools in the clubhouse with new blue leatherette. No-one has so far commented so we’ll take that as a positive that we haven’t drastically changed the character of the club!  

Cornish Shrimper, Crevette. 19ft, 1980, Sail No.23. Re-varnished mast and boom 2020 and all new rigging.  Some new stainless steel fixings.  Currently on Pontoon No.26 so viewing available. £9,000 ONO.

It happened!  After a seven year pause and inspite of dire weather warnings of Force 11 winds a couple of days before the race, our Black Rock challenge took place on Saturday. We had 12 hearty boat crews ranging from a classic gaffer to a 26ft racing catamaran to a 44ft modern Jeanneau. The plan was to start from a line just off Durgan and then race via the August Rock buoy, around the Black Rock and back again to the finish line.  

True to form, all three of our current boats wouldn’t start.  Simon Boote kindly allowed us to use his boat and that wouldn’t start either. Luckily Iain McLaren came up trumps with his small tender with which we could time the starts, while he kindly provided his big rib as the safety boat. So one crisis over. 

When Ant and I got to the start line, there was not even a hint of wind.  With three classes of boats, we grandly started the Sprat Class of four yachts. 

Dragun (Charles Richardson) got away, somehow, but the other four spent an hour making almost no progress.  And in the case of our gallant Race Captain, they went backwards and never managed to cross the start line for an hour until they resorted to their engine!!!  It was pretty much the same for the next two classes of boats, Pilchard and Mackerel Classes – so crisis number two.  After another half an hour barely moving from the start line, the decision was made to allow everyone to motor to the August Rock and then to start the race from there – with the exception of Dragun who led the race out into Falmouth Bay under sail all the way.  

Another 45 minutes of no wind at August Rock followed by 95% of the PNYC racing fleet milling around like a flock of birds flying round in circles waiting for one bird to decide on which way to go. I contemplated cancelling due to lack of any motion (with the sole exception of Dragun) but was assured by Rob that the wind would come.  And low and behold, some two hours plus into the race the wind arrived.  

What followed was a cracking race to, round and back from The Black Rock in a steady Force 5-6 wind with the two catamarans, Lindy and Mirri, and Dragunleading the way and Cicada bravely bringing up the rear. It was lovely to see PNYC’s 12 boats in line astern racing across an empty Falmouth Bay. Along the way we had pretty much every kind of weather except snow.

Cicada bravely bringing up the rear

A huge thanks to all the crews who took part with great humour and patience, particularly at the start.  And massive thanks to Iain McLaren for providing the vital support boats and his time and support – couldn’t have done it without him.  Finally thanks to Rob Templeton, our PNYC Race Captain, whose enthusiasm knows no bounds, unlike his boat! We have learnt a lot for next time – like make sure we have a working committee boat and make sure we actually have a radio on board!

The race was followed by a cracking night at PNYC Bar and Restaurant.  A lovely set meal from Mike, a maritime based quiz (which was won by Jonathan Thornton and TeamCalico) and a bit of a lock in at the end.  And not a mask in sight!  Team Cicada and Mormendill finally left at 12.45, Cicada to bravely spend the night on their boat at the end of the pontoon. After locking up, Ant and I set off home, only to run out of petrol at High Cross Garage followed by an hour’s walk to get home. Crisis number 3. Perfect day. 


Sprat Class Winner on handicap: Marty Ritchie skippered by Don Garman

Pilchard Class Winner on handicap: Mirri skippered by Roger McDonald

Mackerel Class Winner on handicap: Sea Otter skippered by Andy Cooke

Overall Winner (and only boat to sail the entire course): Dragun skippered by Charles Richardson.

Sprat Class: Cicada, Rob Templeton; Dragun, Charles Richardson; Mystery, Andy Bennett; Marty Ritchie, Don Garman.  Pilchard ClassGuinevere, Paul Clark; Mirri, Roger McDonald; Calico, Jonathan Thornton; Katie, Angus MacArthur.  Mackerel Class: Mormendill, Phil Clark; Yamanja, David Tippett; Sea Otter, Andy Cooke; Lindy, Keith Wilkinson. 

It was a total delight to see the Regatta again at PN after a year off. We estimate some 350 people attended with lots of kids and teenagers – we had 60+ people in the fun race all trying to collect a duck and get it back to the quay without oars. There is a report on the Port Navas website ( along with lots of photos and a few video clips. The whole thing was made possible by the work of the committee and a great group of volunteers – so if you want to be a new volunteer next year, just email me at .  

Next year’s PN Regatta is set for Saturday 23rd July – start time tbc.  

The only casualty of The Regatta was the ladies loo at the club. We had to destroy the cleverly constructed boxing to get access to it so while the loo now works again, there’s some work that needs to be done to get it back to normal.  Aaaagh!

If you see Mike Maguire floating around in the water, just leave him. He’s swimming. For the first time in many years. 

It was lovely to see Brian Roper and family heading out onto The Helford a little while ago – well done Brian.  

The tender has been returned to her place on No.1 as indicated by the new sign on the landing pontoon.  We had moved it to the outside of the pontoon so that we could get everyone back onto the pontoon as a couple of people wanted their moorings back after taking a season off for covid but it needs it’s own dedicated space. So everything has gone back to normal.   

In very good condition. Repainted this year.  New stainless keel strips. New custom fit cover. Raymarine Chartplotter and Fishfinder included. Marine VHF included. All fenders and other accessories including rear seats included. Regularly serviced by Robin Curnow.  A perfect boat for The Helford. If sold to a member, the mooring on the pontoon at PNYC would be available.  The boat used to belong to Giles Williams. She is currently on Pontoon No.16 if you want to have a look at her. 

Sorry to raise this in August…. but if you already know that you would like a Winter mooring with us can you let me know. The pontoon is charged at £28.50 per foot (with no minimum size) and we have had boats up to 30ft wintering on the pontoon and taking advantage of being able to sail all year round and work on the boat in the early Spring.  The trots are £18 per foot and the beach is £20 per foot for boats over 10ft long (we already have a number of large yachts booked in).  

The August Rock gig crew, with Ottie and JC, popped in a for pint earlier this week. It is so lovely to see these gigs coming into PN.  

I can report that it was almost pitch black when they headed home! 

We have finally put the red marker buoy back in place so we have a very clearly marked entry and exit channel.  The shackle pin worked loose and fell out.  I was convinced I would be able to find the chain and stone since I knew where it was but after 30 minutes staggering around in the mud I had to give up and get a new chain and stone.  

Geoff Dandy is looking to sell his dory. Price is £3750 ono.  The boat is on the pontoon – see pictures below. Suzuki 90 hp engine.

A member is looking for a 9-11 foot tender in reasonable but not necessarily immaculate condition – and therefore a reasonable price rather than top end. Engine not required. Anyone have anything – perhaps an Anarth or something similar?

3.4m 5 person inflatable TakaCat. 4 years old, very stable and with a “ramp bow” to make beach and water embarkation very easy. It also a has reinforced airdeck floor which is very tough. The boat will reach 10 kts+ with 2 adults with a Yamaha 6 . Total weight 42Kg but packs into 2 bags. Detachable launching wheels, oars, pump and storage bags included . Engine 2018 Yamaha 6 FCMHS integral fuel tank with separate tank option, less than 23 hrs running, professional 20 hr Service completed . Short Shaft weight 27kg  Price with engine £2,200 ovno (new cost £3250).  You can inspect the dinghy – it’s in the rack next to the white corrugated shed.

Two new sailors have taken to the water in the last couple of weeks. 10 week old Emmy Jones (first grandchild of Peter and Cate Jones) and Hugo aged 3 (David King’s grandson). Future Black Dog Crew?

We have restored power to the beach wall.  There are now two caravan sockets (large three pin sockets) and two standard 3 pin sockets.  A light is coming. 

Thanks to all those who have renewed their membership.  We couldn’t improve the club without your kind help. If you’re reading this and haven’t signed up for another year you can download a membership form here , scan or photo it and email it back to PNYC.  Or for ease, you can just email me,, and say that your details are the same as last year, make payment online and I will do the rest. 
PNYC Ltd, Lloyds Bank, Sort 30-80-48, Acc 51425568

I am colour blind.  It’s not that bad.  Blues and purples; reds and browns; and it doesn’t hurt.  But occassionaly there are some dodgy clothing decisions. I have ordered some new signs for the club and on arrival PNYC navy blue appears to be purple and PNYC red has gone brown.  Not worried about the brown lettering as it was a sign asking people not to put their dog poo in our bins but to use the dog bin that we have provided right next to our bins.  So colour appropriate.  But the other signs are now a medley of navy blue and purple.  I am waiting until Colour Blindness becomes the next issue (after gender and race etc) when finally we will be allowed to identify any colour as any colour we like !!

I am sorry to say that Pete Witham, the owner of the lovely fishing boat, Faith, on the pontoon, died on Monday after a fight with cancer. You might remember him working on his boat with a woolly hat on, a cigarette and a smile. He was a lovely character with a mischievous sense of humour and our thoughts go to Sue and his whole family.  We will miss him. 

Work is well underway to improve the outside areas at the front of the club. It’s been beautifully rendered by Lawrence Kay (I would recommend him) and once dry will be painted white.

Meanwhile I have followed Peter Goad’s design and added more posts over the outside eating area so that we can put a roof on it and make a covered seating area. Much to my surprise, it’s come out quite well. Mostly straight and actually very solid. Peter, I hope you approve. A new resin and stone floor will be added to the seating area and the area outside the front door.  This will be finished for the opening up of the Bar and Restaurant on Friday 16th April. 

Thanks to the membership, we have committed to tidying up the front of the clubhouse and the outside eating area – see above. The plaster work on this side of the building is in a pretty poor state, as is the combined granite, concrete, tarmac and mud medley on the ground by the entrance. To that end, the front of the clubhouse will be stripped back to the block work and re-rendered next week.  And we will be re-surfacing the area by the front door of the club with a resin-stone chip surface and making sure that it drains more efficiently.  Finally we’ll re-surface the outside eating area with resin and stone chips, lowering the wall so you can actually look out over the water when seated and adding a roof to give it a little more protection. This should – fingers crossed – all be done in time for opening up the bar and restaurant in the week starting 12th April.  

And finally, we have bought new sockets and a power unit and will be restoring power and lighting to the beach wall drekly! 

Julia Bradbury was in the creek and on The Helford as part of her ITV Series – Julia Bradbury; Cornwall & Devon Walks which you can find here

Julia spent most of her paddle board time doing circles around Brian Spargo’s boat and just so you know, if and when he comes to sell her, that fact will be included when calculating the price…… !

As many of you may know, last year John Ford was diagnosed with motor neurone disease after a period of ill health.  Fran, Pie, Finn and Euan are raising money for charity.  Fran writes:

My 57 year old brother was diagnosed in March last year with this cruel disease.  Since then he has lost weight, become progressively weaker and is now struggling to walk and talk.

 We have been inspired by Kevin Sinfield running 7 marathons in 7 days for his team mate Rob Burrow, and want to raise as much money as we can for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, who have been helping us deal with this terrible progressive disease.  

As a family we are going to travel the total distance of 7 miles for each of the 7 days, either by walking or Kayaking. 

Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving – they’ll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity. So it’s the most efficient way to donate – saving time and cutting costs for the charity.

Here’s a link to Fran’s Just Giving Page:

Thanks to all those who have so kindly joined for 2021. Your kind support is much appreciated. If you haven’t yet joined but would like to, you can download a membership form here:

If you were a member last year you can just email saying you want to join and that your details are the same and I will fill out the form on your behalf.  
£25 per adult and the bank details are:
Port Navas Yacht Club Ltd

We have used up all our membership cards and am awaiting new cards which are 100% recycled and 100% recyclable.  Once these are in, we will send out membership cards to those waiting for them. Thanks to member Jon Calvin Thomas who’s company have helped –

We have two members looking for small tenders.  One is looking specifically for an Anarth or Regatta.  

There is another new member who is looking for a 20-22 ft fishing boat.
And finally, does anyone have a small inflatable they want to sell to a third member?

Our thoughts are with Will Beattie, Jo and his family.  Will has been seriously ill (not covid) prior to Christmas.  We wish him a full recovery. 

The membership for next year is £25 per adult. You can download an application form from the website.  For ease, you can fill it out and take a picture/scan of the form and just email the picture to We will then print out the form and send you membership cards. If you are paying online the details are:  PNYC Ltd, 30-80-48, 51425568, Lloyds Bank
Please could you make sure that you include your name as a reference when paying so I know where the money has come from and ideally let me know that you have paid online.   
We have introduced a Launching Membership for those who want to regularly launch small craft from the slipway or pontoon (ie paddle boards or kayaks). We have introduced this following a sharp rise in the number of people wanting to use paddle boards and kayaks. There is a public slip in the village which can be used for this purpose.

This year, with your kind support, we intend to do the following:  

  • Improve the outside seating areas at the club.  
  • Install some kind of webcam so that you can log on and see live pictures of the pontoon and water by the club.  
  • Replace the broken electrical sockets on the beach wall
  • Repair and repaint the black iron lamp post by the entrance
  • Re-varnish the table tops inside the club – sorry for the delay Mike and Nigel!
  • And paint everything again.  It’s all looking quite green.

We are now pretty much set for the Winter with Summer boats out and Winter boats in.  We are delighted to welcome two lovely wooden yachts onto the beach – Wanderer II which was built in 1901 and Mystery which was built by the current owner’s dad.  

If you are at a loss for things to do, how about a bit of varnishing?  Mike North’s gleaming tender is an example to us all. Particularly me.

This week a local groundworks company installed a new drain across the entrance to the club in the hope that we can stop the continual flow of water and soil into the car park.  I cannot recommend them more highly so if you have any need for groundworks contact Edd Jeffery –

They also sorted out the leaking mess of pipes on the corrugated shed so we now have one tap for the hose pipe and a separate tap for everything else.  We look like the back of an old American fire truck.  Now I just need to paint the shed and the doors……

With the help of my very old – as in long term – friend, Tim’ll Fix It, we have re-decked three more pontoons and I am in the process of adding non-slip strips down the middle. It all looks pretty good until you get to the bend in the pontoon and then you find the much older decking.  So if you want to hop and skip along the pontoon to your boat, can you limit yourself to doing that on the new section!  

Finally, the oversized red channel marker is now in place alongside its green friend. Thanks to Anna McLaren for her lovely photo.  

Along with the approach to winter, we will be having a clear out of the engine store in November.  Can you make sure that everything you have in there is named?  Anything un-named will be photographed and shown in the next newsletter and, if unclaimed, will be disposed of.    

As per the last newsletter, membership for next year will be £25.  Many thanks to those few members who have commented about this and said it is fine. Gawd bless ye. Equally we have luckily had no gasps of horror to the announcement and it’s too late for those now! We are sourcing recycled, cardboard membership cards for 2021 and exploring a way for people to fill in and submit membership forms entirely online, preferably directly via the website.

Our plans for the Club include:

  • More painting outside and inside.
  • Restoring the cast iron street light.  (Does anyone know where it came from?) 
  • Installing a larger and more effective drain to run across the entrance to the club that can catch water and gravel and dirt. Due to be put in place in October.
  • Putting in two security/web cameras and linking one to the website so that you can see the river. 
  • And in the Spring, building an outside, covered area with a long bar table and bar stools (we bought 20 bar stools just before covid hit) running along the whole back wall of the clubhouse, parallel with the pontoon. 

The membership fees help enormously in getting these things done and Ant and I are really grateful for your kind support of The Club.  

For the first time since we took over, we have a waiting list for the pontoons, the beach and the trots for next summer.  If you know you want the same mooring next year, or you know that you don’t, then I would really appreciate an email. The same moorings are yours again if you want them. The price, with the exception of kayaks and paddle boards, is the same as 2019 and 2020.  

With 3 weeks left of the Summer Season, just a gentle reminder to all boat owners that moorings need to be cleared by 31st October. However, if you want to extend your stay, we can offer the cheapest Winter moorings on The Helford!  

We have some pontoon spaces for the Winter and have done away with the minimum size of 17ft for the Winter.  It’s £28.50 per foot or part thereof on the pontoon for five months – 1st November to 31st March 2021.  The trot and swing moorings are £18 per foot and the beach is £15 per foot.  We have two new 30ft + boats wintering on the beach this year in addition to the yachts of Geoff Dandy and Pete Osman so I’ll need to ask those on the beach not staying for the Winter to take their boats off by Saturday 31st October.  

If you fancy a winter mooring and making the best of those lovely Winter and early Spring days on the comparatively empty Helford, drop us an email –   Equally, we are happy to discuss “early starts” if people want to put their boats on the pontoon or on a mooring in February/March (this would be a monthly fee based on our Winter Rates). 

We have decided to change the membership fee for next year, increasing it to £25 for the year. This reflects the fact that, at £15, it costs almost £2 a year in postage just to send out application forms and then membership cards to each member.  I hope that this is acceptable.  Mooring prices will not change for 2021 with the exception of charges for kayaks, paddleboards and inflatables which will be tweaked.  
We have also made the decision to change the structure of memberships slightly for 2021.  There will now be three kinds of membership:   

  • Mooring Members (ie people who pay to moor their boats with us) will pay £25 to become members.  You must be a member to keep a boat at The Club. They may, in addition, launch kayaks, paddle boards and other small boats as part of the their membership for no charge.  There will also be a Mooring Members rate for storing kayaks, paddle boards and inflatables to reflect the fact that they are already paying mooring fees.

At the moment, people can join the club for £15 for the year and then launch as much as they want.  This has led to an increase in traffic and parking.  So we are making the following changes:

  • Social Members will also pay £25 per adult in 2021 but as social members, they will not be permitted to launch kayaks, paddle boards and small boats from the slipway.  
  • Launching Members will be allowed to launch small craft as much as they want.  They can unload and load in the car park but must park in the village before going out on the water.  They will be charged £175 for the whole of the Summer Season or £125 for August to end of October. For Winter the charge will be £125.

Our aim is a) to reduce the traffic to the club of people just wanting to launch small craft b) charging them properly if they do want to do this.  The public slip in the village, of course, remains a free alternative.  

The last two “thin” fingers have been widened to three planks.  I was hoping to get this finished early on in the season, so am delighted that it has finally been done as we draw towards the end of the season.  Almost “drectly”.  
For the observant amongst you, you might have noticed that there are three types of planking on the pontoon.  Very Old.  Very New And Sturdy.  And Quite New But Thin. The QNBT planking was suggested as a better alternative by our wood suppliers.  But because it is thinner, it has turned out not to be so robust. I have made a number of plinths out of this QNBT planking on which I have put cleats and rings. But now it is starting to split.  So I will be replacing all of this with VNAS planking plinths.  You live and learn. 

We have increased our kayak storage from one to six this summer with the addition of racks on the pontoon but we don’t plan to have any more because we want kids to still be able to crab between the wall and the pontoons.  

We have purchased a green marker (in place) and a red marker (to be placed) to make the channel to the Yacht Club more obvious.  We have also added Max 6 Knots To Ferryboat just to re-emphasise the speed limits on the river. I think I ordered one size too big!  When I measured it out it seemed to be the right width but I was not counting for the overall circumference and ended up with much bigger buoys than expected!  

We have more new boats than ever before – at least under our stewardship.  So welcome to the crews of Jeanie, Obi, Auriel, Idler, Seaskate Fourteenn Crevette, Coburg, Scruffy, Sea Spray, Wagtail and a number of un-named boats.

One member is looking for a small 8-10 foot tender which might need some TLC.
Another member looking for an Oppy for his grandson – happy to do work on it.  Happy for it to be wooden.

We got a call from George’s son Russell on Wednesday to sadly let us know that, after quite a long illness, George died on Tuesday surrounded by his family.  It was not Covid related.

George was a charming, smiling Scouser who absolutely loved the Helford and all things boating. The picture here encapsulates this kind man. Our thoughts go to Doreen and the whole family.

Russell has sent us a few words about George:

It’s with sadness I would like to inform you and all the boating crews of Port Navas YC that George Bibby, a face many have seen around the Helford River since 1979 has passed away. He had battled cancer for a few years but lost the fight. George quietly slipped his mooring and headed off on his final voyage late on Tuesday 19th May at home Devington Court Falmouth.

George’s log books recording the years spent on the Helford River and Falmouth Bay areas tell many a story of his dreams and passion for the sea coming true. He started off on the Helford owning a Kingfisher 22 “Rattler” then a 30Ft Catalac “Prowler” which some locals referred to as an aircraft carrier!! moored just off Port Navas Quay. On Retirement he moved to the dark side of boating and bought Motor boats “Helford Picket”,  “Celtic Eagle” and finally “Picket”.

Both George and Doreen his wife spent many a winter evening in the yacht Club with new and Old friends, Plenty of banter with locals and Grockles! He was a proud holder of the YC Sailing Cup for a number of years in the early 80s and many races would have been crewed by his friends and family. He loved the Sea and all those around it. In his last years he joined the Nare Point Coast Watch team and still kept an eye on his passion.

Many younger Sailors may  remember George as “Skip” from the years he gave to running the local Constantine Sea Scouts (now Helford Scouts).

From the family I would like to thank all the boating community he knew and loved for the friendships and memories you gave George over the years. He will be missed by many but remembered by all. 

Russ Bibby

One member looking for a small sailing dinghy to learn how to sail.  
One member looking for a dory type boat – 13 to 16 ft.  
And one member looking for a Shrimper 19ft or Cape Cutter 19ft or something similar.

The beach is ready for anyone who is able to get their boats launched. I have laid out orange line to mark out all the beach moorings.  The pontoons are also all ready. If you can launch your boat, can you let me know in advance so that I can check that your pontoon mooring is free – there are a couple of boats that haven’t been put on their normal moorings in the river owning to self-isolation or owners not being able to travel down to the Club and so I might have to move one of these.  

Ant and I would like to thank all those who have paid their mooring fees while the crisis has been escalating and while not being sure about how these moorings can be used.  We are also really grateful to all those who have renewed their membership or joined for 2020.  What a year.  But we will be open for business in 2021!  Hopefully, together, we can ride out this terrible storm and be back to normal, at least movement wise, by the end of the summer.  

This week all members will be sent a membership form for 2020. £15 per adult for the year. You can also download a form from the website. We are really very grateful to all our members for their kind support which helps us to make steady improvements to the club, such as restoring the ladies loo.  If you make an online payment, could you very kindly also email us at just to let us know that you have made a transfer as sometimes it is hard to work out where payments have come from online. This year we will be sending out plastic membership cards because we already have them but next year we will look at a recyclable cardboard alternative.

Please can you make sure that anything kept in the engine store is named.  As promised, we will be having a Spring clear out of un-named, unclaimed items in the near future.  

This dinghy, below, has mysteriously, at least to me, appeared propped up against the dinghy rack. I have put a note on it asking the owner to give me a call so I know who it belongs to but that was weeks ago.  If this is yours, or you know who it belongs to, would you drop me an email or call 07798 824435.  

Please be careful on the pontoons.  I almost took a tumble just before Christmas.  Still haven’t fallen into the creek yet (touch wood) but it is surely only a matter of time.  The first four pontoons now have new decking in place and I am starting to add anti-slip strips to the rest of the pontoons.  

Crevette, a Cornish Shrimper 19ft 1980.  Sail No.23 – one of the early GRP versions.  Owner has reluctantly had to admit that sailing boats are too much of a challenge and that a motor cruiser is, reluctantly, the answer.  A new unused PortaPotti, new sail cover and hardly used spinnaker.  The engine is a 2015 5hp Honda with low hours.  Currently on the pontoon for the winter.

Price: £6,250

Contact for more information and or to arrange to talk or meet the owners.

Corair F31 Trimaran 1995 for sale.  Fast, fun and fantastic. Much loved.  Currently out of the water on it’s trailer in Port Navas.  For specifications go to:

50 litre water bladder for fresh water, electrically pumped to galley and head. Cooking facilities via portable camping gas double stove with grill. Habitent cockpit cover.  Road trailer included.

Price: £70,000

Contact for more information and or to arrange to talk or meet the owners.

On a house-keeping note, if you have anything in the engine store, please could you make sure that it is clearly named.  Some unnamed things have been appearing in the shed over the last 12 months. This is the second year that we are asking everyone with engines, or anything else in the store, to put their names on their equipment.  Unnamed items will be removed and disposed of in the New Year so please do take note of this.

“Decibel” Lucas has a mint condition 5 HP, Tohatsu four stroke engine for sale.  It has only done one outing for one hour.  She is asking for £750 for this essentially “new” engine.  If you are interested email us at well put you in touch with her.

Huge thanks from Ant and myself to all our member in 2018.  Without your support we couldn’t keep The Club and the bar and restaurant running.  And if you’d like to renew your membership for 2019 that would be wonderful! 

Click here to download your 2019 membership form.  Forms are also available at The Club.

Bank Details:
Sort 30-80-48
Account 51425568
Lloyds Bank

10ft Anarth tender for sale – navy blue exterior, white interior. £450 ono. Please contact John Blatter on 01326 341066.

Member Robert Reid has a lovely Silhouette Mark 3 plus a tender for sale – £600. 17ft, fibre glass hull with a Lloyds Certificate.  Good sails, new skeg and moored on the trots at PNYC just behind the big trimaran. Price includes a 2 metre fibreglass tender.  Call Robert on 07815 324342.  In addition, if the purchaser wishes to take over the mooring that can be arranged as well.

The Club was set up in 1958 as a Private Members Club.  Over the years, that was changed to allow Temporary Membership to visitors.  This system became more “flexible” and in the end Giles decided to stop the membership altogether for the last two years of his tenure at the Club.  When we took over 18 months ago, lots of people requested that the membership be re-instated.  We love the idea of a membership, creating a club feel.  But this has to be run alongside a policy of allowing members of the public to use the Bar and Restaurant (which our licence permits) particularly during the holiday season because without their patronage the Bar and Restaurant is, in our opinion, unsustainable.  The only downside of allowing members of the public to use the Bar and Restaurant is the limited parking.  But that has always been a problem and is just something we have to live with in exchange for having a Bar and Restaurant that can operate all year round.

Everyone who has a mooring at the Club is a member of PNYC.  Alongside that, we have Social Membership, which is purely voluntary.  You don’t have to be a member of the Club to use the Bar and Restaurant.  But if you would like to join the Club as a Social Member then that gives you the following:

  • Use of the facilities including access to the water
  • 10% off your alcoholic drinks at the Club with your card
  • Right to fly the Club Burgee
  • This newsletter
  • Occasional Club activities such as the Christmas Party
  • And our huge appreciation for your support in keeping the Club going!

Because of our size and limited parking, we don’t have a racing schedule or a flotilla or sailing lessons.  As a Londoner, I am just not qualified to organise any kind of racing (a volunteer to organise one club race a year would be welcomed with open arms and given as much support as we can).  But we hope that the modest annual subscription of £15 is reflective of that.  Helford River Sailing Club does all the above brilliantly well but membership is £11 to join and then £145 a year.  Mylor is £128 per year.  Royal Cornwall is £75 entry and up to £309 a year.

The members subscription is used to help us improve the Club for everyone.  Over the last 18 months we have brought the loos and shower into the 21st Century; replaced the holding tank with a brand new, environmentally friendly treatment plant; repaired and improved the beach wall; and made improvements (just a start) to the pontoons.  Looking forward we plan to re-open the ladies and create a covered outside eating “bar” along the length of the clubhouse.

Parking is a problem but it is something that we just have to live with and somehow it seems to work out – thanks in part to your patience and understanding.  As we now move into the busy Summer season, unless you have a pontoon or trot mooring, please do not leave your car in the car park when you go out on the water – please park in the village. And only one car per boat.  The two flats in Quay House are now rented almost continuously until the end of the Summer and they require one space each.

If you have any thoughts about more that we could do for members, we would be happy to hear them on

Tom and Ant

Last newsletter we offered to give away an undefined trolley which I, wrongly, assumed was a canoe trolley.  Peter Goad, the creator of the said trolley, kindly contacted me from New Zealand to explain that it is in fact an inflatable trolley. Et viola !

We are trying to keep the Club tidy and uncluttered (although the current state of the shed might argue against this) so the trolley now has a new home with a member.

Please could you name your engines, oars and lifejackets in the Engine Store.  I have taken the liberty of adding a small sticker on each engine in the store so that you can add your name and contract number and have left a couple of permanent markers for you to use – one for the engine stickers and one for oars.  There are a couple of engines that seem not to have been moved for a number of years – if these remain unclaimed we will take a view on moving them on.

We also have what I believe is a canoe trolley but no-one has a canoe – just kayaks which don’t fit and don’t need a trolley.  If anyone would like to give it a new home, do let me know –

With help from my lovely friend Tim Hunt (PNYC Member for Hammersmith), we have re-planked the first pontoon as you come into the Club and put on anti-slip strips.  We will remove all the remaining chicken wire this week, re-place any broken boards and put down a combination of stainless steel mesh and anti-slip strips.  Let me know if you spot any planking that needs replacing.  Tony has jet washed the entire pontoon except where the chicken wire is.  We will finish the job next week.

Following the theft of two outboards from Annabelle Lucas’s shed (aka Decibel) some 10 days ago, we have changed the combination lock on the engine store which is the first shed on your left as you enter the club.  It was pointed out to me that with a small amount of muscle you could wiggle the small brass lock over the bolt and open the shed without the combination.  So just to beef up the defenses, I have added a much bigger lock.

Please contact me for the new code!

The membership remains the same for 2025.  Apologies again for last year’s poor management of memberships.  I will be sorting out memberships for 2025 within the next two weeks.  Members living in Cornwall will get a confirmation email from us and can then collect their 2025 cards from Melissa at the club. We will post cards to members living over The Tamar.We so value all our Social Members who each make a contribution of £25 to the club even though they don’t have a boat. All the membership contributions go towards maintaining and improving the club.To become a member please go to and follow the instructions. 

I have been really poor about sorting out the Membership Cards and doing more regular newsletters.  I am afraid that we got some unfortunate family news in March and the thing that has “given” are these two tasks. My sincere apologies. We value every Member and their contribution to the club and its ongoing upkeep and improvement.  I asked for some help with managing this in a previous newsletter and very kindly Cath Gradwell has volunteered to help.  Hopefully this will make for smoother running of the membership. I have a stack of undelivered membership cards on my desk for which I am truly sorry. Tom

The Summer Season, such as it has been, is almost ending – 31st October.  

We have spaces for this Winter on the beach or on a trot (£22.75 a foot) and on the pontoon (£36.75 per foot with no minimum size limit).  Just contact Tom.

Please can those NOT staying for the Winter, make sure that their boats are off to their Winter berths before or by Thursday 31st October. Boats that aren’t moved will be charged a weekly charge.

 If you already know that you want the same Summer Mooring for 2025 then I would be most grateful if you could let us know now.  Equally, if you know you DON’T WANT your mooring next Summer that would be good to know as we have a waiting list.  

Prices for Moorings and Membership will remain the same next year except for Beach Moorings for boats over 10ft. These will increase to £32 per foot to make them more in-line with trot and swing moorings. 

Anyone have a second hand Anarth dinghy that they might want to sell?  A member is looking to buy one.
Anyone have a reasonably priced Plymouth Pilot for sale? 

A member is looking for a very small inflatable tender that she can carry on her own – so about 4ft.

A big thank you to all the kind members who have already signed up using GoCardless. If you want to become a member for 2024, could we ask that you do so via GoCardless. Each year you will be told of the annual payment and you can cancel at any point:

You can also pay online at:
PNYC Ltd, Lloyds Bank, Sort 30-80-48, Account No. 51425568
Please let me know if you have paid online so that I can confirm your membership and send out a membership card.

We have relunctantly taken the decision to increase mooring fees in line with inflation.  So fees will be going up by some 5%. We are sorry that we have had to do this but last year we were hit by a huge increase in utility costs, rising inflation and having to pay VAT on all mooring and membership fees, reducing the take by 20% (although we were able to claim back some of the VAT on expenses paid by the club).

We will be sending out mooring forms this month for next Summer.  Again, if you know you DON’T want your mooring for next Summer, do let me know (if you haven’t already) as we have waiting lists for all types of moorings.  

Will remain £25 per adult for the year.  We are so grateful to all our members – boat members and social members alike.  100% of the membership fees goes back into the club to allow us to maintain and improve it.  We value every kind contribution. And this year we sport new kitchen equipment, a new roof and a new outside covered terrace, made possible in part by you, our kind members.  

I put my hands up to say that I was very poor at getting many membership cards out on time this year. We took the decision not to post them (due to the cost) and decided to leave them behind the bar for collection. We have been left with some 30-40 un-collected cards.  Next year we will leave cards for Cornish based members behind the bar (emailing them to tell them they are there as per this year) and will post cards to everyone living across the border 

The best way to join is through GoCardless. Click onto right link below (based on the number of memberships you want) and they will send you a set-up email asking you to confirm that you have set up an account. Then every January you will get an email asking you to approve or opt out of the annual membership fee.  I then get a confirmation of your automatic payment and can send out cards. Here are the links to do this with GoCardless.  

If you have already done this, YOU DO NOTHING NOW UNTIL YOU GET AN EMAIL IN JANUARY asking you to accept a renewal of membership for 2024..  

The Children’s Trust have two Dorys for sale – dry viewing available weekdays and delivery options available.  These boats have been regularly serviced and cared for.  Please contact Children’s Sailing Trust on 01326 702326 or   

2 berth accommodation, sheltered cuddy
Thorneycroft 10hp diesel inboard 2 years old
Large solar panel and regulator
Lowrance Hook Reveal 7 Fishfinder/Plotter
All in good, well sorted condition.

Also Knot Trailer KF20Z – see in left picture below.  New 2020 and done less than 100 road miles. Available with the Plymouth Pilot or separately as a trailer for £1,500.  

Just another reminder that the Summer Season ends on Tuesday 31st October.  All boats not staying with us for the Winter should be gone by then – any problems email .  And may I ask that anyone who already knows that they DO WANT or DO NOT WANT the same Summer Mooring next week let me know by email as this does help with managing the waiting lists. 

Lovely Saltram 18ft Motor Cruiser. 26 HP inboard diesel engine, extensively rebuilt 4 years ago and well 
maintained. Small cabin with two berths. All new seals, alternator, new water pump, fuel pump and fuel tank. Injectors and injector pump factory re-furbished.  Includes anchor, fenders, mooring ropes, stern boarding ladder and auxiliary engine mount. Fantastic family boat for The Helford.  £6,500 or VNO.  At PNYC.  Email

Aquila, 26ft Westerly Griffin Mk 11.  Built in 1982 with a bilge keel so perfect for taking to the mud/shingle at low tide. The original Buch 20 engine. Owned and enjoyed as a great family boat for the last 13 years. On her mooring just opposite The Clubhouse at PNYC.  £8,000 ONO. Mooring may be available for new owner. Viewings welcome.  Please contact   

Immaculate Rowing Punt: Sedgemoor SB330 Prestigue, 11ft 6″. Handbuilt GRP simulated clinker hull, Iroko hardwood seats and trim, two sets of rowing thwarts, seats for four, 2 sets of ours and new launching trolley included.  Bought as brand new for £3,252 in 2021 and used just a handful of times. Stored in garage and in immaculate condition. Yours for an amazing £2,500!  Can be collected from PNYC.

Melissa and Sarah had their first evening serving food and wine yesterday. We were blessed with beautiful sunshine and a lovely turn out. Despite not having a working oven – see below – a range of fabulous small dishes were produced, along with an increased wine selection, and we all had a great evening.  The bar and restaurant will be open from 4pm every ThursdayFriday and Saturday going forwards.  And once the oven is fixed, for Sunday lunches from 12-6pm and then will open more days as we move into the Summer.

Please book your table by emailing

These are ready for you all. The beach has been laid out, the pontoon is ready for all your boats, the trot and swing moorings have all been serviced. If anyone wants to use the slip and our jet-wash (£10 for a session) to clean their bottoms, just let me know 

 You can also anti-foul on the slip. Please note that the club tender is now in a new position on the OUTSIDE of the landing pontoon – there is a sign on the pontoon.  

Member looking to buy a 10ft (possibly up to 12ft) tender.  Member looking for a good, 4-6 hp long shaft, 4 stroke outboard.  

With new tenants now in place, we are inviting all of our marvellous Social Members to renew their membership which remains at £25 per adult. We have set up a new standing order system via GoCardless and thank you to all those that have already signed up. This will allow you to set up a standing order and it will give you notice of the payment and time to cancel it, if you wish, each year. But once set up, it should all be automatic.  

There have been a few teething problems and we apologise to all those caught up in that. We have now added an SSL (whatever that is) to our website which will stop the warning messages that some early adopters have had. And I would like to let you know that when you set it up, it can take a few hours before you get an email from GoCardless confirming that you have set it up. Don’t be tempted to try again straight away as a couple of people have set it up twice (although it is easy to cancel as well).  So:

For ONE Social Membership go here:

For TWO Social Memberhhips go here:

For THREE Social Memberships go here:

For FOUR Social Memberships go here:

You can also do it the old fashioned way and download a form on the Home Page of our website under Membership Application 2023:

It is with HUGE delight that we can announce that Sarah Conway and Melissa Morrow will be taking over the lease of the bar and restaurant from Thursday 20th April. Sarah (chef) and Melissa (front of house) have some 35+ years experience in hospitality between them. They worked together in New Zealand for some 12 years before returning home to the UK and settling in Falmouth. For the last couple of years they have worked at places like The Meudon Hotel, The Muddy Beach Cafe in Penryn and Kernowine in Falmouth. This will be the first time they have owned the tenancy of a bar and restaurant and we are sure that you will give them every support! They live in Falmouth.

Initially they will be open:
Every Thursday evening for a fixed menu 
Every Friday and Saturday evening for a full menu
Every Sunday for Sunday Roast – two sittings – from 12 noon to 6pm.  (We have already booked a table for Sunday 23rd April )
And in the very busy Summer months – July and August – they will open 6 days a week.  

You will be able to book tables using a new email address – 

So, another summer season on the glorious Helford is coming to an end. If you’re moving your boat off for the Winter, please can you do so by Monday 31st October. If you don’t think you’ll be able to do that for any reason, please do let me know in advance and we can see what we can do.  Otherwise boats will be charged for overstaying their welcome!   

We have more boats wintering on the beach than ever before so I will have to make sure that the beach is pretty much cleared by 31st October at the latest. This might mean me moving boats onto the trots or the pontoon the week before when spaces become available – ie from 22nd/23rd October. I hope this is ok with those on the beach and I will of course let you know in advance if moving you is necessary.  But we guarantee that you will be on a mooring until 31st October if you want to be!  

If you want a Winter Mooring at PNYC please let me know asap as we are filling up. 

I am afraid that we have been faced with a massive increase in electricity costs. From 17th November 2022 our electricity bill has gone up 655% !!!!  And that includes a 10% loyalty discount. Obviously the Government scheme has reduced that by about half but we have yet to hear from our suppliers about the standing costs and it is literally impossible to contact anyone at their call centre. So after Government aid, about a 340% rise in electricity costs. And gas for cooking has also massively increased. 

This has sadly impacted on Brendon and Sarah’s plans to run the bar and restaurant. With a huge increase in electricity and gas, and in the face of rising costs across the board, Brendon and Sarah have pulled out of opening the bar and restaurant in January. We totally understand this decision. We know that the current climate is affecting a lot of the hospitality industry across the board and opening up a new venture in this environment is extremely challenging. We are looking at ways of reducing our electricity bills such as installing solar panels, reducing the usage of power (such as running the waste treatment plant 3 hours on and 3 hours off instead of 24/7) and investing in some more efficient machinery.   

We will continue to talk to Brendon and Sarah but at the moment the bar and restaurant faces an uncertain future next year. We will keep you posted.  

While the Winter fees for 2022 remain unchanged, we are going to increase our mooring fees for Summer 2023 and onwards:

  • For the pontoon from £59 per foot or part thereof to £63.
  • For the trots from £36 per foot or part thereof to £38.50
  • For the beach for 10ft and under £250 to £300 for the Summer.
  • For the beach from 11ft to 16ft from £25 to £28 per or part thereof for the Summer.
  • For inflatables (not with moorings) from £250 to £300 for the Summer.   

This equates to a 7% increase for the pontoons and trots. The increase for beach moorings is greater but we are planning to lose two more spaces on the beach to give you all more room as people leave. The increase for 10ft and under and for inflatables is £50 but it still represents good value for a seven month season. Kayaks remain unchanged. 
With this in mind, if you know now that you want the same mooring again next summer (or if you don’t want it) it would be fabulous to know asap as we have waiting lists for all types of moorings. I won’t send forms out until next January and payment for the Summer will be due not later than 1st March 2023 – although earlier payment is much appreciated!

We had a cracking days racing last Saturday. 10 boats in 3 classes with stunning weather, choppy seas and a good breeze. It was a race around The Manacles and back, some 10 nautical miles. Two out of three of our own boats were working so Finn and I were the committee boat, equipped with a working radio for once, and Iain McLaren and Ant were out on a rib as safely boat.  A huge thanks to Iain for his time and help and enthusiasm. It was fabulous to see a line of PNYC boats racing in the beautiful light. 

The Sprat Class was won by Don and Pauline Garman in Mary Ritchie with Aquila, Cicada and Susan J.
The Pilchard Class was won by Ian Tolchard and Michael Gardiner in Emmet withYemanja, Mormendill and Carrie Maid.
The Mackerel Class was won by Roger McDonald and Anna McLaren in Mirri withLindy
The overall winner after handicaps was Roger McDonald and Anna McLaren in Mirri. 
The race was followed up by a tasty curry and drinks in the club courtesy of Nigel and Mike and a quiz.

Thanks so much to all those that took part, on the water and at the club. And huge thanks to our fab PNYC Race Captain, Rob Templeton, for helping to get the race set up and for working his magic with the handicap system. It must only be a matter of time before the mighty Cicada (19ft yellow hull above) wins on handicap!

If anyone is looking for a tender – inflatable or hard hull – then let me know as a number of people responded to the request by a member who was looking to buy a tender in the last newsletter.

Beautiful 16ft Clovelly Picarooner with loose fitted lug rig.  Great day boat for up to 6 people.
A fine example of a Clovelly Picarooner, Otter was built by Martin Heard of Tregatreath Yacht Yard, Mylor in 1994.  She was completely rebuilt by boatbuilder Reece Jacobs in 2021. Includes new 2021 cover, trailer, oars, small inflatable tender and outboard. You can also retain the PNYC mooring should you wish. £5,500 ONO. For more details contact Tom at   

We are a bit down on previous years, partly because I think the Covid lock-down had an effect from which we haven’t quite recovered. It may also be partly my fault for not pursuing members! And while on the Admin Front, if you have paid and have not had your membership cards, please do let me know.  There are a number of membership cards awaiting collection behind the bar.  

Member looking for 10ft tender.

The new Summer Season has arrived. Along with occasional flurries of snow and sleet!  

Many thanks to the Winter beach yachts who have all returned to their Summer moorings. Lovely to have you over the Winter.  The beach is now empty and I have put out orange line to mark out the running lines.  Please use SINKING line (which makes it easier for others to get in and out) and please remember to put a bucket over any outboard to protect it and other boats.  

With regards to the pontoon, it might take a little longer to get everyone into their correct place as we still have a couple of Winter boats with us. But there is space for everyone who wants to get on now – just let me know you are coming and we will sort out a place, even if it is not your full time Summer mooring. Should be all sorted by the end of this week.  

We are waiting for Seawide Services to service all the swing moorings. I have serviced the trot moorings.  Please remember that there are lines between all the navy blue trot moorings with yellow pick up buoys, so try not to cross them or you will get caught up. There is no line over the channel just to the stern of Mivvy, the lovely black Mk1 Crabber.  New navy blue trot buoys are on order to replace the motley collection of 4-5 mixed buoys that we had to use last year – it was impossible to get new ones last year due to Covid and supply issues.  

Mivvy looking splendid.  

Early commendations to Kurt and Lucy’s Mivvy and Reece and Emma’s Otter for their immaculate condition! And a mention for Dan’s Faith too. Our two boats, needless to say, are not working at present.

We had a lovely afternoon and early evening watching Ireland vs Scotland and then France vs England on the final day of The 6 Nations. It started very badly when my laptop was not allowed to share the screen on our big TV thanks to a new bit of ITV software (when previously it worked perfectly). There was almost a riot but huge thanks to Emma White who rustled up an old laptop which then plugged straight into the TV and away we went, 20 minutes into Scotland vs Ireland.  Food followed the first game and then unfortunatley we had to watch the better team, France, beat England. But it was great fun to share the pain with others.

Red Hot – Seawolf 26ft. Built 1983. Bilge Keel, Bermudan Rig, 8HP Yamaha IGM Diesel, 4 berths in two cabins. More details on application. £8,000 ONO.  Contact

We have a member looking for a 5-6 hp outboard to be used as an auxiliary engine for a Plymouth Pilot.  

We have put up some new lighting in the car park – just in time for the Summer!  But hopefully it will help in those dark Winter months. We have also almost finished painting the corrugated shed.  Drekly this month we will start building the new outside “bar” space running along the side of the restaurant. We will have to block off access to that area during the works for health and safety reasons – don’t want anyone falling onto the pontoon below.  This should provide a lovely, covered area with 15-18 bar stools looking out over the creek and with full sun for most of the day. 

We are offering PNYC polo shirts for men and ladies in a large range of colours (£31 + postage) and thick weave sweatshirts (£35 + postage); and finally a baseball cap with embroidered logo (£25 + postage).  See members page for more information. Or email 

We have finished painting the dining room.  Hopefully it’s a bit fresher than it was. What the painting has done is make the swirly carpet stand out even more!  The carpet is going and will be replaced with a wooden floor – probably in the New Year.  We are also adding a little more lighting to the dining area so that you can see better who you’re sitting with. That obviously has some pros and cons.  FYI – the lights will be fitted with a dimmer switch so you’ll be able to ask for the lights to be turned down if you wish to eat in obscurity. 

The Children’s Sailing Trust has 5 Regatta rowing dinghies.  These are used by the trust for younger kids when the wind is too strong for their modern sailing dinghies. They are also used by Port Navas and Durgan Regattas each year and are a great help in providing a standard rowing boat that can be used by anyone wanting to take part in a race. 

They need a bit of TLC.  There are some wooden parts that need to be replaced or repaired; the old varnish needs to be removed and repainted; they need to be anitfouled and painted inside; some of the oars need attention; and we would like to rig up a system for the Regattas to take an old Oppie rudder so that the kids can use these rudders rather than an oar.  

We are looking for some volunteers. The aim is to do the work in the late Spring but we would love to get an idea of who might be able to spare a day or two. One option is to work on the boats at Henry Collins’ Farm at Calamansac where the Trust have a shed and access to power. However, if someone wanted to work on one boat themselves this could be an option.  

One final “ask” is whether anyone has any inside storage for the 5 boats for the Winter – November to May each year from next year. When stacked side by side they take up a space of a large trailer.  

A collective thanks to everyone for a pretty smooth transition from Summer to Winter.  And congrats to Andy Bennett for his beautiful beach mooring set-up…a hand made cradle…

…and the commitment to dive around the boat to check everything was good. He is available for hire I believe!

Thanks to our membership fees, we have been able to re-cover the seats and stools in the clubhouse with new blue leatherette. No-one has so far commented so we’ll take that as a positive that we haven’t drastically changed the character of the club!  

Cornish Shrimper, Crevette. 19ft, 1980, Sail No.23. Re-varnished mast and boom 2020 and all new rigging.  Some new stainless steel fixings.  Currently on Pontoon No.26 so viewing available. £9,000 ONO.

It happened!  After a seven year pause and inspite of dire weather warnings of Force 11 winds a couple of days before the race, our Black Rock challenge took place on Saturday. We had 12 hearty boat crews ranging from a classic gaffer to a 26ft racing catamaran to a 44ft modern Jeanneau. The plan was to start from a line just off Durgan and then race via the August Rock buoy, around the Black Rock and back again to the finish line.  

True to form, all three of our current boats wouldn’t start.  Simon Boote kindly allowed us to use his boat and that wouldn’t start either. Luckily Iain McLaren came up trumps with his small tender with which we could time the starts, while he kindly provided his big rib as the safety boat. So one crisis over. 

When Ant and I got to the start line, there was not even a hint of wind.  With three classes of boats, we grandly started the Sprat Class of four yachts. 

Dragun (Charles Richardson) got away, somehow, but the other four spent an hour making almost no progress.  And in the case of our gallant Race Captain, they went backwards and never managed to cross the start line for an hour until they resorted to their engine!!!  It was pretty much the same for the next two classes of boats, Pilchard and Mackerel Classes – so crisis number two.  After another half an hour barely moving from the start line, the decision was made to allow everyone to motor to the August Rock and then to start the race from there – with the exception of Dragun who led the race out into Falmouth Bay under sail all the way.  

Another 45 minutes of no wind at August Rock followed by 95% of the PNYC racing fleet milling around like a flock of birds flying round in circles waiting for one bird to decide on which way to go. I contemplated cancelling due to lack of any motion (with the sole exception of Dragun) but was assured by Rob that the wind would come.  And low and behold, some two hours plus into the race the wind arrived.  

What followed was a cracking race to, round and back from The Black Rock in a steady Force 5-6 wind with the two catamarans, Lindy and Mirri, and Dragunleading the way and Cicada bravely bringing up the rear. It was lovely to see PNYC’s 12 boats in line astern racing across an empty Falmouth Bay. Along the way we had pretty much every kind of weather except snow.

Cicada bravely bringing up the rear

A huge thanks to all the crews who took part with great humour and patience, particularly at the start.  And massive thanks to Iain McLaren for providing the vital support boats and his time and support – couldn’t have done it without him.  Finally thanks to Rob Templeton, our PNYC Race Captain, whose enthusiasm knows no bounds, unlike his boat! We have learnt a lot for next time – like make sure we have a working committee boat and make sure we actually have a radio on board!

The race was followed by a cracking night at PNYC Bar and Restaurant.  A lovely set meal from Mike, a maritime based quiz (which was won by Jonathan Thornton and TeamCalico) and a bit of a lock in at the end.  And not a mask in sight!  Team Cicada and Mormendill finally left at 12.45, Cicada to bravely spend the night on their boat at the end of the pontoon. After locking up, Ant and I set off home, only to run out of petrol at High Cross Garage followed by an hour’s walk to get home. Crisis number 3. Perfect day. 


Sprat Class Winner on handicap: Marty Ritchie skippered by Don Garman

Pilchard Class Winner on handicap: Mirri skippered by Roger McDonald

Mackerel Class Winner on handicap: Sea Otter skippered by Andy Cooke

Overall Winner (and only boat to sail the entire course): Dragun skippered by Charles Richardson.

Sprat Class: Cicada, Rob Templeton; Dragun, Charles Richardson; Mystery, Andy Bennett; Marty Ritchie, Don Garman.  Pilchard ClassGuinevere, Paul Clark; Mirri, Roger McDonald; Calico, Jonathan Thornton; Katie, Angus MacArthur.  Mackerel Class: Mormendill, Phil Clark; Yamanja, David Tippett; Sea Otter, Andy Cooke; Lindy, Keith Wilkinson. 

It was a total delight to see the Regatta again at PN after a year off. We estimate some 350 people attended with lots of kids and teenagers – we had 60+ people in the fun race all trying to collect a duck and get it back to the quay without oars. There is a report on the Port Navas website ( along with lots of photos and a few video clips. The whole thing was made possible by the work of the committee and a great group of volunteers – so if you want to be a new volunteer next year, just email me at .  

Next year’s PN Regatta is set for Saturday 23rd July – start time tbc.  

The only casualty of The Regatta was the ladies loo at the club. We had to destroy the cleverly constructed boxing to get access to it so while the loo now works again, there’s some work that needs to be done to get it back to normal.  Aaaagh!

If you see Mike Maguire floating around in the water, just leave him. He’s swimming. For the first time in many years. 

It was lovely to see Brian Roper and family heading out onto The Helford a little while ago – well done Brian.  

The tender has been returned to her place on No.1 as indicated by the new sign on the landing pontoon.  We had moved it to the outside of the pontoon so that we could get everyone back onto the pontoon as a couple of people wanted their moorings back after taking a season off for covid but it needs it’s own dedicated space. So everything has gone back to normal.   

In very good condition. Repainted this year.  New stainless keel strips. New custom fit cover. Raymarine Chartplotter and Fishfinder included. Marine VHF included. All fenders and other accessories including rear seats included. Regularly serviced by Robin Curnow.  A perfect boat for The Helford. If sold to a member, the mooring on the pontoon at PNYC would be available.  The boat used to belong to Giles Williams. She is currently on Pontoon No.16 if you want to have a look at her. 

Sorry to raise this in August…. but if you already know that you would like a Winter mooring with us can you let me know. The pontoon is charged at £28.50 per foot (with no minimum size) and we have had boats up to 30ft wintering on the pontoon and taking advantage of being able to sail all year round and work on the boat in the early Spring.  The trots are £18 per foot and the beach is £20 per foot for boats over 10ft long (we already have a number of large yachts booked in).  

The August Rock gig crew, with Ottie and JC, popped in a for pint earlier this week. It is so lovely to see these gigs coming into PN.  

I can report that it was almost pitch black when they headed home! 

We have finally put the red marker buoy back in place so we have a very clearly marked entry and exit channel.  The shackle pin worked loose and fell out.  I was convinced I would be able to find the chain and stone since I knew where it was but after 30 minutes staggering around in the mud I had to give up and get a new chain and stone.  

Geoff Dandy is looking to sell his dory. Price is £3750 ono.  The boat is on the pontoon – see pictures below. Suzuki 90 hp engine.

A member is looking for a 9-11 foot tender in reasonable but not necessarily immaculate condition – and therefore a reasonable price rather than top end. Engine not required. Anyone have anything – perhaps an Anarth or something similar?

3.4m 5 person inflatable TakaCat. 4 years old, very stable and with a “ramp bow” to make beach and water embarkation very easy. It also a has reinforced airdeck floor which is very tough. The boat will reach 10 kts+ with 2 adults with a Yamaha 6 . Total weight 42Kg but packs into 2 bags. Detachable launching wheels, oars, pump and storage bags included . Engine 2018 Yamaha 6 FCMHS integral fuel tank with separate tank option, less than 23 hrs running, professional 20 hr Service completed . Short Shaft weight 27kg  Price with engine £2,200 ovno (new cost £3250).  You can inspect the dinghy – it’s in the rack next to the white corrugated shed.

Two new sailors have taken to the water in the last couple of weeks. 10 week old Emmy Jones (first grandchild of Peter and Cate Jones) and Hugo aged 3 (David King’s grandson). Future Black Dog Crew?

We have restored power to the beach wall.  There are now two caravan sockets (large three pin sockets) and two standard 3 pin sockets.  A light is coming. 

Thanks to all those who have renewed their membership.  We couldn’t improve the club without your kind help. If you’re reading this and haven’t signed up for another year you can download a membership form here , scan or photo it and email it back to PNYC.  Or for ease, you can just email me,, and say that your details are the same as last year, make payment online and I will do the rest. 
PNYC Ltd, Lloyds Bank, Sort 30-80-48, Acc 51425568

I am colour blind.  It’s not that bad.  Blues and purples; reds and browns; and it doesn’t hurt.  But occassionaly there are some dodgy clothing decisions. I have ordered some new signs for the club and on arrival PNYC navy blue appears to be purple and PNYC red has gone brown.  Not worried about the brown lettering as it was a sign asking people not to put their dog poo in our bins but to use the dog bin that we have provided right next to our bins.  So colour appropriate.  But the other signs are now a medley of navy blue and purple.  I am waiting until Colour Blindness becomes the next issue (after gender and race etc) when finally we will be allowed to identify any colour as any colour we like !!

I am sorry to say that Pete Witham, the owner of the lovely fishing boat, Faith, on the pontoon, died on Monday after a fight with cancer. You might remember him working on his boat with a woolly hat on, a cigarette and a smile. He was a lovely character with a mischievous sense of humour and our thoughts go to Sue and his whole family.  We will miss him. 

Work is well underway to improve the outside areas at the front of the club. It’s been beautifully rendered by Lawrence Kay (I would recommend him) and once dry will be painted white.

Meanwhile I have followed Peter Goad’s design and added more posts over the outside eating area so that we can put a roof on it and make a covered seating area. Much to my surprise, it’s come out quite well. Mostly straight and actually very solid. Peter, I hope you approve. A new resin and stone floor will be added to the seating area and the area outside the front door.  This will be finished for the opening up of the Bar and Restaurant on Friday 16th April. 

Thanks to the membership, we have committed to tidying up the front of the clubhouse and the outside eating area – see above. The plaster work on this side of the building is in a pretty poor state, as is the combined granite, concrete, tarmac and mud medley on the ground by the entrance. To that end, the front of the clubhouse will be stripped back to the block work and re-rendered next week.  And we will be re-surfacing the area by the front door of the club with a resin-stone chip surface and making sure that it drains more efficiently.  Finally we’ll re-surface the outside eating area with resin and stone chips, lowering the wall so you can actually look out over the water when seated and adding a roof to give it a little more protection. This should – fingers crossed – all be done in time for opening up the bar and restaurant in the week starting 12th April.  

And finally, we have bought new sockets and a power unit and will be restoring power and lighting to the beach wall drekly! 

Julia Bradbury was in the creek and on The Helford as part of her ITV Series – Julia Bradbury; Cornwall & Devon Walks which you can find here

Julia spent most of her paddle board time doing circles around Brian Spargo’s boat and just so you know, if and when he comes to sell her, that fact will be included when calculating the price…… !

As many of you may know, last year John Ford was diagnosed with motor neurone disease after a period of ill health.  Fran, Pie, Finn and Euan are raising money for charity.  Fran writes:

My 57 year old brother was diagnosed in March last year with this cruel disease.  Since then he has lost weight, become progressively weaker and is now struggling to walk and talk.

 We have been inspired by Kevin Sinfield running 7 marathons in 7 days for his team mate Rob Burrow, and want to raise as much money as we can for the Motor Neurone Disease Association, who have been helping us deal with this terrible progressive disease.  

As a family we are going to travel the total distance of 7 miles for each of the 7 days, either by walking or Kayaking. 

Donating through JustGiving is simple, fast and totally secure. Your details are safe with JustGiving – they’ll never sell them on or send unwanted emails. Once you donate, they’ll send your money directly to the charity. So it’s the most efficient way to donate – saving time and cutting costs for the charity.

Here’s a link to Fran’s Just Giving Page:

Thanks to all those who have so kindly joined for 2021. Your kind support is much appreciated. If you haven’t yet joined but would like to, you can download a membership form here:

If you were a member last year you can just email saying you want to join and that your details are the same and I will fill out the form on your behalf.  
£25 per adult and the bank details are:
Port Navas Yacht Club Ltd

We have used up all our membership cards and am awaiting new cards which are 100% recycled and 100% recyclable.  Once these are in, we will send out membership cards to those waiting for them. Thanks to member Jon Calvin Thomas who’s company have helped –

We have two members looking for small tenders.  One is looking specifically for an Anarth or Regatta.  

There is another new member who is looking for a 20-22 ft fishing boat.
And finally, does anyone have a small inflatable they want to sell to a third member?

Our thoughts are with Will Beattie, Jo and his family.  Will has been seriously ill (not covid) prior to Christmas.  We wish him a full recovery. 

The membership for next year is £25 per adult. You can download an application form from the website.  For ease, you can fill it out and take a picture/scan of the form and just email the picture to We will then print out the form and send you membership cards. If you are paying online the details are:  PNYC Ltd, 30-80-48, 51425568, Lloyds Bank
Please could you make sure that you include your name as a reference when paying so I know where the money has come from and ideally let me know that you have paid online.   
We have introduced a Launching Membership for those who want to regularly launch small craft from the slipway or pontoon (ie paddle boards or kayaks). We have introduced this following a sharp rise in the number of people wanting to use paddle boards and kayaks. There is a public slip in the village which can be used for this purpose.

This year, with your kind support, we intend to do the following:  

  • Improve the outside seating areas at the club.  
  • Install some kind of webcam so that you can log on and see live pictures of the pontoon and water by the club.  
  • Replace the broken electrical sockets on the beach wall
  • Repair and repaint the black iron lamp post by the entrance
  • Re-varnish the table tops inside the club – sorry for the delay Mike and Nigel!
  • And paint everything again.  It’s all looking quite green.

We are now pretty much set for the Winter with Summer boats out and Winter boats in.  We are delighted to welcome two lovely wooden yachts onto the beach – Wanderer II which was built in 1901 and Mystery which was built by the current owner’s dad.  

If you are at a loss for things to do, how about a bit of varnishing?  Mike North’s gleaming tender is an example to us all. Particularly me.

This week a local groundworks company installed a new drain across the entrance to the club in the hope that we can stop the continual flow of water and soil into the car park.  I cannot recommend them more highly so if you have any need for groundworks contact Edd Jeffery –

They also sorted out the leaking mess of pipes on the corrugated shed so we now have one tap for the hose pipe and a separate tap for everything else.  We look like the back of an old American fire truck.  Now I just need to paint the shed and the doors……

With the help of my very old – as in long term – friend, Tim’ll Fix It, we have re-decked three more pontoons and I am in the process of adding non-slip strips down the middle. It all looks pretty good until you get to the bend in the pontoon and then you find the much older decking.  So if you want to hop and skip along the pontoon to your boat, can you limit yourself to doing that on the new section!  

Finally, the oversized red channel marker is now in place alongside its green friend. Thanks to Anna McLaren for her lovely photo.  

Along with the approach to winter, we will be having a clear out of the engine store in November.  Can you make sure that everything you have in there is named?  Anything un-named will be photographed and shown in the next newsletter and, if unclaimed, will be disposed of.    

As per the last newsletter, membership for next year will be £25.  Many thanks to those few members who have commented about this and said it is fine. Gawd bless ye. Equally we have luckily had no gasps of horror to the announcement and it’s too late for those now! We are sourcing recycled, cardboard membership cards for 2021 and exploring a way for people to fill in and submit membership forms entirely online, preferably directly via the website.

Our plans for the Club include:

  • More painting outside and inside.
  • Restoring the cast iron street light.  (Does anyone know where it came from?) 
  • Installing a larger and more effective drain to run across the entrance to the club that can catch water and gravel and dirt. Due to be put in place in October.
  • Putting in two security/web cameras and linking one to the website so that you can see the river. 
  • And in the Spring, building an outside, covered area with a long bar table and bar stools (we bought 20 bar stools just before covid hit) running along the whole back wall of the clubhouse, parallel with the pontoon. 

The membership fees help enormously in getting these things done and Ant and I are really grateful for your kind support of The Club.  

For the first time since we took over, we have a waiting list for the pontoons, the beach and the trots for next summer.  If you know you want the same mooring next year, or you know that you don’t, then I would really appreciate an email. The same moorings are yours again if you want them. The price, with the exception of kayaks and paddle boards, is the same as 2019 and 2020.  

With 3 weeks left of the Summer Season, just a gentle reminder to all boat owners that moorings need to be cleared by 31st October. However, if you want to extend your stay, we can offer the cheapest Winter moorings on The Helford!  

We have some pontoon spaces for the Winter and have done away with the minimum size of 17ft for the Winter.  It’s £28.50 per foot or part thereof on the pontoon for five months – 1st November to 31st March 2021.  The trot and swing moorings are £18 per foot and the beach is £15 per foot.  We have two new 30ft + boats wintering on the beach this year in addition to the yachts of Geoff Dandy and Pete Osman so I’ll need to ask those on the beach not staying for the Winter to take their boats off by Saturday 31st October.  

If you fancy a winter mooring and making the best of those lovely Winter and early Spring days on the comparatively empty Helford, drop us an email –   Equally, we are happy to discuss “early starts” if people want to put their boats on the pontoon or on a mooring in February/March (this would be a monthly fee based on our Winter Rates). 

We have decided to change the membership fee for next year, increasing it to £25 for the year. This reflects the fact that, at £15, it costs almost £2 a year in postage just to send out application forms and then membership cards to each member.  I hope that this is acceptable.  Mooring prices will not change for 2021 with the exception of charges for kayaks, paddleboards and inflatables which will be tweaked.  
We have also made the decision to change the structure of memberships slightly for 2021.  There will now be three kinds of membership:   

  • Mooring Members (ie people who pay to moor their boats with us) will pay £25 to become members.  You must be a member to keep a boat at The Club. They may, in addition, launch kayaks, paddle boards and other small boats as part of the their membership for no charge.  There will also be a Mooring Members rate for storing kayaks, paddle boards and inflatables to reflect the fact that they are already paying mooring fees.

At the moment, people can join the club for £15 for the year and then launch as much as they want.  This has led to an increase in traffic and parking.  So we are making the following changes:

  • Social Members will also pay £25 per adult in 2021 but as social members, they will not be permitted to launch kayaks, paddle boards and small boats from the slipway.  
  • Launching Members will be allowed to launch small craft as much as they want.  They can unload and load in the car park but must park in the village before going out on the water.  They will be charged £175 for the whole of the Summer Season or £125 for August to end of October. For Winter the charge will be £125.

Our aim is a) to reduce the traffic to the club of people just wanting to launch small craft b) charging them properly if they do want to do this.  The public slip in the village, of course, remains a free alternative.  

The last two “thin” fingers have been widened to three planks.  I was hoping to get this finished early on in the season, so am delighted that it has finally been done as we draw towards the end of the season.  Almost “drectly”.  
For the observant amongst you, you might have noticed that there are three types of planking on the pontoon.  Very Old.  Very New And Sturdy.  And Quite New But Thin. The QNBT planking was suggested as a better alternative by our wood suppliers.  But because it is thinner, it has turned out not to be so robust. I have made a number of plinths out of this QNBT planking on which I have put cleats and rings. But now it is starting to split.  So I will be replacing all of this with VNAS planking plinths.  You live and learn. 

We have increased our kayak storage from one to six this summer with the addition of racks on the pontoon but we don’t plan to have any more because we want kids to still be able to crab between the wall and the pontoons.  

Decibel with our new markers. Spot the error...

We have purchased a green marker (in place) and a red marker (to be placed) to make the channel to the Yacht Club more obvious.  We have also added Max 6 Knots To Ferryboat just to re-emphasise the speed limits on the river. I think I ordered one size too big!  When I measured it out it seemed to be the right width but I was not counting for the overall circumference and ended up with much bigger buoys than expected!  

We have more new boats than ever before – at least under our stewardship.  So welcome to the crews of Jeanie, Obi, Auriel, Idler, Seaskate Fourteenn Crevette, Coburg, Scruffy, Sea Spray, Wagtail and a number of un-named boats.

One member is looking for a small 8-10 foot tender which might need some TLC.
Another member looking for an Oppy for his grandson – happy to do work on it.  Happy for it to be wooden.

We got a call from George’s son Russell on Wednesday to sadly let us know that, after quite a long illness, George died on Tuesday surrounded by his family.  It was not Covid related.

George was a charming, smiling Scouser who absolutely loved the Helford and all things boating. The picture here encapsulates this kind man. Our thoughts go to Doreen and the whole family.

Russell has sent us a few words about George:

It’s with sadness I would like to inform you and all the boating crews of Port Navas YC that George Bibby, a face many have seen around the Helford River since 1979 has passed away. He had battled cancer for a few years but lost the fight. George quietly slipped his mooring and headed off on his final voyage late on Tuesday 19th May at home Devington Court Falmouth.

George’s log books recording the years spent on the Helford River and Falmouth Bay areas tell many a story of his dreams and passion for the sea coming true. He started off on the Helford owning a Kingfisher 22 “Rattler” then a 30Ft Catalac “Prowler” which some locals referred to as an aircraft carrier!! moored just off Port Navas Quay. On Retirement he moved to the dark side of boating and bought Motor boats “Helford Picket”,  “Celtic Eagle” and finally “Picket”.

Both George and Doreen his wife spent many a winter evening in the yacht Club with new and Old friends, Plenty of banter with locals and Grockles! He was a proud holder of the YC Sailing Cup for a number of years in the early 80s and many races would have been crewed by his friends and family. He loved the Sea and all those around it. In his last years he joined the Nare Point Coast Watch team and still kept an eye on his passion.

Many younger Sailors may  remember George as “Skip” from the years he gave to running the local Constantine Sea Scouts (now Helford Scouts).

From the family I would like to thank all the boating community he knew and loved for the friendships and memories you gave George over the years. He will be missed by many but remembered by all. 

Russ Bibby

One member looking for a small sailing dinghy to learn how to sail.  
One member looking for a dory type boat – 13 to 16 ft.  
And one member looking for a Shrimper 19ft or Cape Cutter 19ft or something similar.

The beach is ready for anyone who is able to get their boats launched. I have laid out orange line to mark out all the beach moorings.  The pontoons are also all ready. If you can launch your boat, can you let me know in advance so that I can check that your pontoon mooring is free – there are a couple of boats that haven’t been put on their normal moorings in the river owning to self-isolation or owners not being able to travel down to the Club and so I might have to move one of these.  

Ant and I would like to thank all those who have paid their mooring fees while the crisis has been escalating and while not being sure about how these moorings can be used.  We are also really grateful to all those who have renewed their membership or joined for 2020.  What a year.  But we will be open for business in 2021!  Hopefully, together, we can ride out this terrible storm and be back to normal, at least movement wise, by the end of the summer.  

This week all members will be sent a membership form for 2020. £15 per adult for the year. You can also download a form from the website. We are really very grateful to all our members for their kind support which helps us to make steady improvements to the club, such as restoring the ladies loo.  If you make an online payment, could you very kindly also email us at just to let us know that you have made a transfer as sometimes it is hard to work out where payments have come from online. This year we will be sending out plastic membership cards because we already have them but next year we will look at a recyclable cardboard alternative.

Please can you make sure that anything kept in the engine store is named.  As promised, we will be having a Spring clear out of un-named, unclaimed items in the near future.  

This dinghy, below, has mysteriously, at least to me, appeared propped up against the dinghy rack. I have put a note on it asking the owner to give me a call so I know who it belongs to but that was weeks ago.  If this is yours, or you know who it belongs to, would you drop me an email or call 07798 824435.  

Please be careful on the pontoons.  I almost took a tumble just before Christmas.  Still haven’t fallen into the creek yet (touch wood) but it is surely only a matter of time.  The first four pontoons now have new decking in place and I am starting to add anti-slip strips to the rest of the pontoons.  

Crevette, a Cornish Shrimper 19ft 1980.  Sail No.23 – one of the early GRP versions.  Owner has reluctantly had to admit that sailing boats are too much of a challenge and that a motor cruiser is, reluctantly, the answer.  A new unused PortaPotti, new sail cover and hardly used spinnaker.  The engine is a 2015 5hp Honda with low hours.  Currently on the pontoon for the winter.

Price: £6,250

Contact for more information and or to arrange to talk or meet the owners.

Corair F31 Trimaran 1995 for sale.  Fast, fun and fantastic. Much loved.  Currently out of the water on it’s trailer in Port Navas.  For specifications go to:

50 litre water bladder for fresh water, electrically pumped to galley and head. Cooking facilities via portable camping gas double stove with grill. Habitent cockpit cover.  Road trailer included.

Price: £70,000

Contact for more information and or to arrange to talk or meet the owners.

On a house-keeping note, if you have anything in the engine store, please could you make sure that it is clearly named.  Some unnamed things have been appearing in the shed over the last 12 months. This is the second year that we are asking everyone with engines, or anything else in the store, to put their names on their equipment.  Unnamed items will be removed and disposed of in the New Year so please do take note of this.

“Decibel” Lucas has a mint condition 5 HP, Tohatsu four stroke engine for sale.  It has only done one outing for one hour.  She is asking for £750 for this essentially “new” engine.  If you are interested email us at well put you in touch with her.

Huge thanks from Ant and myself to all our member in 2018.  Without your support we couldn’t keep The Club and the bar and restaurant running.  And if you’d like to renew your membership for 2019 that would be wonderful! 

Click here to download your 2019 membership form.  Forms are also available at The Club.

Bank Details:
Sort 30-80-48
Account 51425568
Lloyds Bank

10ft Anarth tender for sale – navy blue exterior, white interior. £450 ono. Please contact John Blatter on 01326 341066.

Member Robert Reid has a lovely Silhouette Mark 3 plus a tender for sale – £600. 17ft, fibre glass hull with a Lloyds Certificate.  Good sails, new skeg and moored on the trots at PNYC just behind the big trimaran. Price includes a 2 metre fibreglass tender.  Call Robert on 07815 324342.  In addition, if the purchaser wishes to take over the mooring that can be arranged as well.

The Club was set up in 1958 as a Private Members Club.  Over the years, that was changed to allow Temporary Membership to visitors.  This system became more “flexible” and in the end Giles decided to stop the membership altogether for the last two years of his tenure at the Club.  When we took over 18 months ago, lots of people requested that the membership be re-instated.  We love the idea of a membership, creating a club feel.  But this has to be run alongside a policy of allowing members of the public to use the Bar and Restaurant (which our licence permits) particularly during the holiday season because without their patronage the Bar and Restaurant is, in our opinion, unsustainable.  The only downside of allowing members of the public to use the Bar and Restaurant is the limited parking.  But that has always been a problem and is just something we have to live with in exchange for having a Bar and Restaurant that can operate all year round.

Everyone who has a mooring at the Club is a member of PNYC.  Alongside that, we have Social Membership, which is purely voluntary.  You don’t have to be a member of the Club to use the Bar and Restaurant.  But if you would like to join the Club as a Social Member then that gives you the following:

  • Use of the facilities including access to the water
  • 10% off your alcoholic drinks at the Club with your card
  • Right to fly the Club Burgee
  • This newsletter
  • Occasional Club activities such as the Christmas Party
  • And our huge appreciation for your support in keeping the Club going!

Because of our size and limited parking, we don’t have a racing schedule or a flotilla or sailing lessons.  As a Londoner, I am just not qualified to organise any kind of racing (a volunteer to organise one club race a year would be welcomed with open arms and given as much support as we can).  But we hope that the modest annual subscription of £15 is reflective of that.  Helford River Sailing Club does all the above brilliantly well but membership is £11 to join and then £145 a year.  Mylor is £128 per year.  Royal Cornwall is £75 entry and up to £309 a year.

The members subscription is used to help us improve the Club for everyone.  Over the last 18 months we have brought the loos and shower into the 21st Century; replaced the holding tank with a brand new, environmentally friendly treatment plant; repaired and improved the beach wall; and made improvements (just a start) to the pontoons.  Looking forward we plan to re-open the ladies and create a covered outside eating “bar” along the length of the clubhouse.

Parking is a problem but it is something that we just have to live with and somehow it seems to work out – thanks in part to your patience and understanding.  As we now move into the busy Summer season, unless you have a pontoon or trot mooring, please do not leave your car in the car park when you go out on the water – please park in the village. And only one car per boat.  The two flats in Quay House are now rented almost continuously until the end of the Summer and they require one space each.

If you have any thoughts about more that we could do for members, we would be happy to hear them on

Tom and Ant

Last newsletter we offered to give away an undefined trolley which I, wrongly, assumed was a canoe trolley.  Peter Goad, the creator of the said trolley, kindly contacted me from New Zealand to explain that it is in fact an inflatable trolley. Et viola !

We are trying to keep the Club tidy and uncluttered (although the current state of the shed might argue against this) so the trolley now has a new home with a member.

Please could you name your engines, oars and lifejackets in the Engine Store.  I have taken the liberty of adding a small sticker on each engine in the store so that you can add your name and contract number and have left a couple of permanent markers for you to use – one for the engine stickers and one for oars.  There are a couple of engines that seem not to have been moved for a number of years – if these remain unclaimed we will take a view on moving them on.

We also have what I believe is a canoe trolley but no-one has a canoe – just kayaks which don’t fit and don’t need a trolley.  If anyone would like to give it a new home, do let me know –

With help from my lovely friend Tim Hunt (PNYC Member for Hammersmith), we have re-planked the first pontoon as you come into the Club and put on anti-slip strips.  We will remove all the remaining chicken wire this week, re-place any broken boards and put down a combination of stainless steel mesh and anti-slip strips.  Let me know if you spot any planking that needs replacing.  Tony has jet washed the entire pontoon except where the chicken wire is.  We will finish the job next week.

Following the theft of two outboards from Annabelle Lucas’s shed (aka Decibel) some 10 days ago, we have changed the combination lock on the engine store which is the first shed on your left as you enter the club.  It was pointed out to me that with a small amount of muscle you could wiggle the small brass lock over the bolt and open the shed without the combination.  So just to beef up the defenses, I have added a much bigger lock.

Please contact me for the new code!